Stylistyka 2024-03-06T08:56:21+00:00 Marzena Makuchowska Open Journal Systems <p>Czasopismo „Stylistyka” jest międzynarodowym periodykiem naukowym, założonym w 1992 r. przez prof. Stanisława Gajdę. Przedstawia wyniki badań komunikacji językowej ze stylistycznego punktu widzenia. Stylistyka jest tu rozumiana szeroko, jako transdyscyplinarna nauka zajmująca się kompetencją stylową, środkami stylowymi, stylem konkretnego tekstu, stylami indywidualnymi i zbiorowymi (gatunkowymi, funkcjonalnymi itd.) oraz ich psychicznymi, społecznymi i kulturowymi kontekstami. Rocznik publikuje wyniki badań stylistycznych prowadzonych w ramach językoznawstwa, literaturoznawstwa oraz nauk o kulturze. Do publikacji przyjmuje się teksty we wszystkich językach słowiańskich oraz w językach kongresowych (angielski, niemiecki, francuski). <a href="">Czytaj więcej</a></p> Stanisław Gajda – uczony, humanista, mistrz, kolega i przyjaciel 2024-03-03T11:04:16+00:00 MARIA WOJTAK 2024-03-06T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Stylistyka Stilistička istraživanja Milosava Ž. Čarkića (1948–2022) 2024-03-04T18:33:00+00:00 BRANKO TOŠOVIĆ 2024-03-06T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 „Rzeka płynie do swojego przeznaczenia…” Życiowe i naukowe pasje Jerzego Bartmińskiego (1939–2022) 2024-03-03T11:22:57+00:00 STANISŁAWA NIEBRZEGOWSKA-BARTMIŃSKA 2024-03-06T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Stylistyka Naukowe ścieżki Urszuli Żydek-Bednarczuk (1952–2022) 2024-03-04T18:42:32+00:00 IWONA LOEWE 2024-03-06T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Sto let od narození prof. Milana Jelínka 2024-03-03T12:30:32+00:00 MICHAL KŘÍSTEK 2024-03-06T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Stylistyka Poděkování a gratulace jubilantu Jiřímu Zemanovi 2024-03-04T18:54:38+00:00 JANA HOFFMANNOVÁ 2024-03-06T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Jubileusz Profesor Ewy Malinowskiej 2024-03-05T13:34:02+00:00 MARIA WOJTAK 2024-03-06T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Stylistyka Jubileusz Profesora Bogusława Wyderki 2024-03-04T18:58:46+00:00 EWA MALINOWSKA 2024-03-06T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Discourse in the context of language history – research potential and perspectives 2024-03-06T08:56:21+00:00 Artur Rejter <p>The aim of the paper is to indicate the research potential and perspective of discourse as a historical and dynamic phenomenon. Methodology used in the paper concentrates on discourse linguistics, stylistics, and text linguistics, which is related to the concept<br>of language as a mode of communication manifested at its higher levels. What is important, the author is convinced that historical dimensions can be embedded into the definition of discourse. The first aspect constitutes the extension of the reflection at the discourse level in historical language studies. However, the inverse relation is most interesting. It is worth noting that the language history research could enrich the concept of discourse. Referring to previous research on the history of Polish scientific discourse and discourse of the excluded, the author formulates a thesis on the influence of the historical research on the concept of discourse, which could manifest itself in the following ways: (1) remodelling of the definition of discourse; (2) discourse dynamics; and (3) external discourse changes (cultural, sociological). The main conclusions are as follows: (1) The complementarity of language history<br>and discourse linguistics should be considered. (2) Discourse definition is an open category and, among others, depends on historical changes. (3) The dynamic nature of discourse could be the basis for adopting historical discourse studies as a subdiscipline<br>of linguistics. (4) Historical aspects of discourse can encourage research on communication as a dynamic, multifaceted, and complex component of culture.</p> 2024-03-06T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Stylistyka Styl i stylizacja językowa według Krystyny Pisarkowej 2024-03-06T08:54:14+00:00 TADEUSZ SZCZERBOWSKI <p>Krystyna Pisarkowa expressed her academic interest in stylistics directly or indirectly in the titles of her numerous publications. Her merit is drawing attention to the treatment of the word style in colloquial language as an evaluating predicate (for example, in great/grand/fine, etc. style). In turn, she called Umberto Eco’s book, “The Name of the Rose”, a novel about the truth of signs. Krystyna Pisarkowa considered deviations from language norms and semantic shifts to be a creative way of searching for truth in signs themselves. Archaisation in Sławomir Mrożek’s work is – in her opinion – “a deliberate anachronism, a dissonance, a deformation of uses and meanings, which exposes untruth, the falsity of characters, the ugliness of banality, the ridiculousness and deadness of a pattern and template.” In her publications, she emphasised that “intention is the core of every act of communication, hence it should be discovered and that suffices.” Krystyna Pisarkowa’s research combines pragmatics with style. Her works are an invaluable lesson in style and interpretation</p> 2024-03-06T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Stylistyka Juraj Dolník a slovenská lingvistika 20. – 21. storočia 2024-03-06T08:56:05+00:00 OĽGA ORGOŇOVÁ <p>Juraj Dolník (born on 20 August 1942) ranks in the number of top Slovak linguists. He is a scholar in general linguistics, Slovak studies, and German studies. Within synchronic Slovak studies, he has devoted special attention to lexicology and to the <br>aspects of cultural stylistics, social linguistics, and linguistic pragmatics. His ideas about language culture have become significant stimuli for the Slovak linguo-cultural theory and language-advisory use. He laid the foundations of linguistic otherness<br>studies in the Slovak linguistic environment. The introduction presents Dolnik‘s basic biographical data, professional and<br>professional development, characterises the main areas of his scholarly, broadly interdisciplinary work, and highlights his focus on the practice of language use. The second part characterises Dolnik‘s interdisciplinarity and deep orientation in philosophy, psychology and sociology in relation to the linguist‘s knowledge of language and its functioning in contemporary communication.</p> 2024-03-06T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Stylistyka Oľga Orgoňová a jej úloha v paradigmatike slovenskej štylistiky 2024-03-06T08:53:45+00:00 ALENA BOHUNICKÁ <p>The paper focuses on the research contribution of Oľga Orgoňová in the field of Slovak stylistics. Her work spans three decades of the ‘post-Mistrik’ era and contributes significantly to the turnaround in theoretical thinking about style. Professor Orgoňová’s work reflects the methodological transformation from stylistics as a doctrine of linguistic models and ways of shaping a text (functional stylistics), through the view of style in the context of socially conditioned verbal action (interactional style), to the most recent concept of inclusive stylistics.<br>In this paper, we outline a model of Slovak stylistic development through the identification of stylistic paradigms reflected (affirmatively or contradictorily) in the work of this linguist. We associate the basic concepts from her scholarly work with the terminology known from other conceptions of the West Slavic stylistics and implicate a further perspective for developing theoretical thinking about style, especially in the direction of communication styles and inclusive stylistics, which fits into the model of pragmatic stylistics as socially ‘useful’ stylistics. The communication styles themselves, corresponding to the empirical grasp, are explained in relation to and in continuity with the tradition of functional language styles.</p> 2024-03-06T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Dialogised heteroglossia and the Japanese-Chinese mixed style of “Kaidōki” 2024-03-06T08:55:51+00:00 ADAM BEDNARCZYK <p>This paper attempts to analyse the technique of assimilation of classical Chinese writing into the Japanese literary tradition of the early medieval period. The author’s main focus is one of the three styles used by Japanese authors of the time, namely the mixed Japanese-Chinese style (the so-called wakan konkō buntai). It was used in various prose genres, including travel diaries. Referring to the text of Kaidōki (Records of [a journey along] the seacoast road), a Japanese travel account from the early 13th century, the author shows on the selected source material how, in accordance with Bakhtin’s understanding of heteroglossia, a dialogue occurs on the level of Chinese and Japanese writing and how intertextual relations can influence the formation of the style of a literary work. As can be noted, the historical and literary borrowings from the Chinese tradition (the rich Sino-Japanese vocabulary and the prosaised poems originally composed in classical Chinese) enriched the semantic layer of the Japanese text. This was also reflected in the style of the work, which, despite its “crabbedness” and the fact that it was shaped by the experience of borrowed but also native polyphony, seems to be the optimal way to express it.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-03-06T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Stylistyka Zu Stellung und Traditionen der Medienlinguistik im polnischen und deutschsprachigen Forschungsraum anhand programmatischer Aufsätze zur Entstehung der Disziplin 2024-03-06T08:53:30+00:00 ZOFIA BILUT-HOMPLEWICZ <p>Even the youngest disciplines of academic research have a history. The emergence of a specific discipline, even the most modern one, like medialinguistics, does not happen in a scholarly vacuum and specific traditions always play an important<br>role there. This article aims to characterise the programme articles of two leading authors dealing with medialinguistics in the Polish- and German-speaking research area, Mediolingwistyka. Theory Methodology. Idea (2014) by Bogusław Skowronek and Hartmut Stöckl’s Zu Status und Methodik eines (noch) emergenten Forschungsfeldes (2012). It is worth noting that Stöckl’s dissertation has been translated into Polish twice and was published in 2015. These articles can undoubtedly be considered<br>representative as they constitute a clear caesura in the development of the new discipline and have become a point of reference for a wide range of researchers. The analysis includes a reflection on the way of referring to various research trends that<br>have had an impact on the constitution of medialinguistics; it also emphasises the relationship between the discipline and the research tradition. It is then interesting to explore the way these authors show the emergence of medialinguistics and how they<br>mark its centres of gravity. It also seems important to refer to certain approaches and methodological assumptions characteristic of both areas.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-03-06T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Telewizyjna prognoza pogody – analiza gatunku z perspektywy diachronicznej 2024-02-24T13:48:04+00:00 AGNIESZKA MAC <p>The article attempts to examine genre changes within the genre pattern of the weather forecast. In the first part, I propose a categorisation of the weather forecast as a text genre, mainly focusing on its television variant. Thereby, I point out pertinent research in the Polish and German literature for the reasons of comparison. I continue by outlining the assumptions of multimodal text analysis that I have used n my investigation of the television weather forecast, highlighting the fact that it represents an audiovisual text in which meaning is constructed through the conceptual combination of semiotic devices present in it. In the second part, I present the results of my analysis of a particular weather forecast broadcast on Channel TVP 1 after the main edition of the news. I describe the modifications to its design for over the past 30 years and demonstrate the phases of the pattern transformation starting at the beginning of the 1990s and reaching the forms of expression nowadays. Based on the comparison, I attempt to answer the question of how media texts in general, and television weather forecast in particular, have changed over the period of time I have focused on. The conclusions summarise the research results obtained and indicate the reasons for the genre changes taking place.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-03-06T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Stylistyka K vývoji českého odborného diskurzu: proměny struktury časopiseckých statí v průběhu osmdesáti let 2024-03-06T08:53:15+00:00 JANA HOFFMANNOVÁ <p>The aim of a current project at the Czech Language Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences, is to specify the characteristics of contemporary academic discourse with a focus on the structure of journal articles, i.e., the main components of the article<br>(introduction – central part – conclusion) which are filled by more or less standardised steps and procedures. For example, in the introduction, the aims and topic are established, research questions are posed, the relevant literature is referred to, gaps<br>in the previous research are indicated, and the like; and at the same time, prototypical metatextual phrases used to mark individual steps can be captured. Phrases, such as “Cílem našeho článku je upozornit na...” (The aim of our article is to draw<br>attention to…), “Tomuto problému nebyla dosud věnována dostatečná pozornost” (This problem has thus far not received sufficient attention) will be the subject of a search using a corpus of journal articles, a comparison between Czech and English will be undertaken, and the results (in the form of a “phrasebank”) will be used in the teaching of academic writing to students at various levels. This contribution should add at least a partial historical dimension to the research – the main Czech linguistics journals “Naše řeč” and “Slovo a slovesnost” have been published since 1917 and 1935, respectively. It is thus possible to compare the structure of the articles published and the phrases used in them, e.g., during the period 1935–1940 and 80 years later, during 2015–2020. This comparison reveals some aspects of Czech academic discourse and, in the case of the most recent years, the degree to which<br>it is influenced by English-language academic discourse.</p> 2024-03-06T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Styl – dyskurs – komunikacja urzędowa w badaniach diachronicznych (na przykładzie górnośląskich ksiąg kancelaryjnych z XVI–XVIII wieku) 2024-03-06T08:55:24+00:00 MIROSŁAWA SIUCIAK <p>The aim of this article is to show a new perspective in diachronic research on communication in the legal and official sphere. Until now, research has focused on the style of texts related to this field of communication, but any analysis has been selective. The introduction of the category of discourse into historical linguistics allows for a more comprehensive view of the source material through the prism of the communication rituals in force at a given period and the principles of constructing texts with specific pragmatic aims and stylistic properties. The subject of the analysis is the records in the official town registers of the early 17th century concerning real estate purchase and sale transactions. Taking into account the continuity of the officialese discourse, the author shows how texts documenting property changes were formulated at that time and proves that certain structural and stylistic elements continue in the contract genre today. A broader study of the history of the discourse would make it possible to show the formation of new genre forms from pre-existing officialese expressions set in particular time, in a different legal system and communication patterns.</p> 2024-03-06T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Stylistyka Wzorzec gatunkowy pierwszych polskich sprawozdań stenograficznych – na przykładzie Sprawozdań stenograficznych z rozpraw Sejmu Krajowego w Galicji 2024-03-06T08:53:00+00:00 MAŁGORZATA DAWIDZIAK-KŁADOCZNA <p>The aim of this paper is to describe the genre pattern of stenographic reports of the meetings of the Diet of Galicia and Lodomeria in session between 1861 and 1914. The Diet of Galicia and Lodomeria is the first parliament in the history of Polish<br>parliamentarism whose sessions were documented in the form of stenographic reports. Therefore, these reports represent the first stage in the study of the genre, hitherto underexplored by philologists but in continuous operation from 1861 to date.<br>The paper draws on an extensive collection of more than 1,000 texts. Research shows that stenographic reports are a highly petrified genre. Its coherent character is determined by the author’s overarching intention, an all-encompassing vision of the<br>world, and an internally ordered structure made up of mostly relatively autonomous elements. The identity of the genre is shaped by the delimiting elements found mainly in the initial and final parts of the corpus. They organise the text, make it easier<br>for the viewer to navigate through it, and mark the boundaries between components. Other types of metatext serve as a complement to speeches and legal documents. The editorial aspect of the reports, which underwent several transformations over more than fifty years of the Diet of Galicia and Lodomeria, is of great value in terms of delimiting and providing information.<br>The conclusions from this paper provide a good basis for describing the changes in stenographic reports and comparing them with the parliamentary diary, a dominant genre used to document parliamentary sessions before 1861.</p> 2024-03-06T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 O stylu przemówień sądowych Eugeniusza Śmiarowskiego z lat 1920–1925 2024-03-06T08:55:10+00:00 ANNA WOJCIECHOWSKA <p>The research explores the speeches by Eugeniusz Śmiarowski published in 1926 entitled, “Defence Speeches” (1920-1925). The texts under investigation follow a genre pattern of a court speech. The analysis focuses on the stylistic aspect of the genre pattern and is based on the assumption that the language choices of the subject of the statement, predicted within the genre, depend on various aspects. The article aim is to show the factors affecting the style of E. Śmiarowski’s speeches. Findings prove that the author’s linguistic choices were influenced by the historical, social, and biographical contexts. The stylistic shape of his speeches is fundamentally consistent with the art of judicial eloquence. Distinguishing features should be associated with the situation (the beginnings of Polish independence), the topic of the case, and the subject’s attitude towards the world, and with the structure of speech. Mainly in its framework parts (in the introduction and conclusion), one can see the subjectivity, the privacy of the subject of the statement, and the means of emotionalising the utterance. The research fills in a gap in the literature since Śmiarowski’s speeches have not been examined before. It would be interesting to compare the texts with the speeches of other prominent court speakers from a century ago.</p> 2024-03-06T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Stylistyka Dialog. Nové stylové podoby tradičního žánru 2024-03-06T08:51:19+00:00 PETR MAREŠ <p>The paper focuses on the characteristics of dialogue as a specific genre that already flourished in the antiquity and on the description of the style of selected Czech dialogues from the 20th and 21st centuries. The genre of dialogue (literary dialogue)<br>consists of written texts that simulate conversation between two (or more) interlocutors. In literary dialogues, the confrontation of presented considerations and statements is crucial for the constitution of their sense. As to functions, these dialogues are multiform; the aesthetic function is often combined with scientific or practical information, philosophical reflection, or persuasion. It is often claimed that the genreof dialogue has been neglected since the end of the 18th century. The aim of the<br>&nbsp;second part of the paper is to instantiate that dialogues are also written in modern&nbsp; times. Ten Czech dialogues from 1906 to 2022 are briefly analysed. These texts are built (sometimes playfully) upon the style and structure of classical dialoguesand adapted for&nbsp; new purposes and the contemporary communication conditions.For instance, dialogues are used as an instrument for popular&nbsp; enlightenment or for comparison of political conceptions</p> 2024-03-06T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Język i styl powieści pt. Pokraj Andrzeja Saramonowicza – rekonesans 2024-03-06T08:54:57+00:00 KATARZYNA WYRWAS <p>The article as a research reconnaissance contains an analysis of the language and style of Andrzej Saramonowicz’s novel Pokraj. The author discusses selected determinants of the original language of the novel, e.g., vocabulary, metaphors, comparisons, and <br>significant proper names. Much attention was paid to intertextual references, such as the imitation of clearly recognisable forms (drama, film script, radio news, religious texts), recalling texts related to a common theme in the form of a collage and the use of quotes and paraphrases, the accurate reading of which depends on the cultural competence of the readers. The presented analyses show the author’s procedures that build a specific humour, serve criticism, parody, and satire.</p> 2024-03-06T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Stylistyka Kształt stylistyczny sylwetki prasowej (na materiale prasy dziewiętnastowiecznej) 2024-03-06T08:52:46+00:00 MAGDALENA PIETRZAK <p>The purpose of the article is to characterise the stylistic aspect of the 19th century press profile. The analyses are made within the framework of genre-oriented linguistic stylistics. The stylistic aspect is formed by structurally determined and pragmatically/<br>cognitively specified features. Those features are related to the genesis of the used means. The analyses are helpful in completing the genre pattern of the profile – a genre that was gaining its distinctiveness in the 19th century.<br>The material basis consists of about 100 profiles excerpted from the press of the 2nd half of the 19th century represented by “Gazeta Polska” [Polish Newspaper] and the weekly “Wędrowiec” [The Wanderer]. The analyses proved that the two main purposes served by the profiles, namely informational and evaluative, were reflected in the stylistic layer of the analysed texts. First, in the precise factual documentation enriched by official elements. Second, in the expressive and suggestive character resulting from the value-oriented and emotional way of presenting the persons and their achievements. This subjectification of the message is carried out through axiological lexis and linguistic and stylistic means typical of literary texts.</p> 2024-03-06T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Persvazivní prvky v českých nakladatelských anotacích 2024-03-06T08:54:43+00:00 JIŘÍ JELÍNEK <p>The text aims to analyse how the style of official book summaries seeks to leave a favourable impression on the potential reader and buyer. Summaries made in three eras of the Czech literature have been compared, namely, in the First Czechoslovak Republic (with summaries taken from around 1930), in the communist era (with summaries taken from around 1970), and in the contemporary era (with summaries from 2022). The oldest summaries may seem almost naive in their persuasive strategies, i.e., using unambiguous adjectives, such as “good” or “moving”. The communist era summaries also make use of these laudatory adjectives, sometimes even more evocative, and emphasise them with ostentatiously “objective” statements explaining why the said publication agrees with the socialist worldview. The contemporary strategies are more subtle, and the individual summaries differ strongly, aiming at<br>different groups of potential readers by adjusting their respective styles to the target audience’s tastes.</p> 2024-03-06T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Stylistyka Organizacja tekstu naukowego oglądana z perspektywy modeli zdaniowych (na materiale z obszaru humanistyki) 2024-03-06T08:52:16+00:00 TATIANA KANANOWICZ <p>The article presents the organisation of a scientific text in terms of the structuralsemantic types of sentences (sentence models) used in it, based on the system of sentence models developed for this type of text. This system consists of four models:<br>syntactic patterns with prototypical meaning assigned to them, each of which includes base sentences and transformed sentences. The analysis is preceded by a description of the transformations leading to changes in the model qualification of the sentence,<br>underlying which are primarily the processes of semantic and syntactic derivations.<br>After counting the base and transformed sentences – representatives of separate models occurring in the texts – the organisation of the scientific text appears as a hierarchical structure, organised around the sentences of the relational model. The next most<br>frequent models in terms of frequency are the activity model, the existence model, and the characterisation model. The analysis carried out contributes to a better understanding of the syntactic layer of the text as a determinant of scientific style, thus<br>filling the gap in knowledge of this element of stylistic characteristics of scientific texts in the humanities.</p> 2024-03-06T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Paratekst – od koncepcji Gérarda Genette’a po współczesną praktykę badań paratekstualnych 2024-03-06T08:54:29+00:00 MARZANNA UŹDZICKA <p>This article will examine the reception of the concept of paratext from its introduction into the research space by the French literary scholar Gérard Genette to the contemporary practice of paratextual research. Paratext has been annexed in such fields as library science, cultural studies, translation studies, media studies, and linguistics, among others, demonstrating the coherence of typologically diverse objects. At the same time, the concept has undergone a kind of redefinition over the years, widening<br>or narrowing the scope of its use. This regularity is a determinant of the review of the existing literature, with a particular focus on the reception of paratext in linguistic research. Considerations in this area concern the functional aspect of paratexts, which<br>was undertaken by Romualda Piętkowa or Danuta Piekarczyk; the creative nature of the adaptation of G. Genete’s ideas by Iwona Loewe, whose research activities are located both in linguistics (linguistic genealogy) and communication theory (communicology) or media studies; the methodological proposal for the analysis of contemporary cultural texts as paratexts in a linguistic perspective.</p> 2024-03-06T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Stylistyka Trojański koń panegirystów. Studium staropolskiej popularności pewnego toposu 2024-03-06T08:52:02+00:00 RADOSŁAW GRZEŚKOWIAK <p>This article is a first comprehensive monographic study of the topical comparison to the Trojan horse, discussing its origins and its most important panegyric uses in Old Polish orations and poetry. Today, when the phraseologism ‘Trojan horse’, associated with treachery, false gift, or internal enemy, is unambiguously pejorative, the positive connotations of 16th- and 17th-century texts may seem incomprehensible.<br>Meanwhile, old authors commonly imitated Cicero’s formula (De oratore II 22,94), who likened the school of the famous speaker Isocrates to the Trojan horse, from whence many illustrious Greeks emerged. The numerous examples collected in the<br>article prove that this comparison was commonly used in Polish literature until the end of the 18th century in three main contexts, i.e., to praise a humanist and teacher (e.g., professor of the Krakow Academy Szymon Kociołek, the bishop of Kraków<br>Samuel Maciejowski), to praise a university (e.g., the Kraków Academy) or school (e.g., Jesuit colleges), and to praise an illustrious family (originally royal, princely and magnate families, with time the comparison began to be used in praise of minor noble<br>families). The article also discusses the obscene reinterpretation of this topos.</p> 2024-03-06T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Psałterz Dawidów (1543) Mikołaja Reja wobec stylistycznych wzorców polszczyzny biblijnej 2024-03-06T08:53:59+00:00 DANUTA KOWALSKA <p>The article aims to reflect on most important stylistic properties the David Psalter [Psałterz Dawidów] (1543) by Mikołaj Rej in the light of stylistic patterns of the Polish biblical language in the first half of the 16th century. The scholars consider the&nbsp;existence of two parallel biblical stylistic patterns of translated works in the middle of the 16th century: (1) a traditional pattern with stylistic elements typical of the artistic and rhetorical style; and (2) an innovative pattern with modernistic elements and the abundant existence of vernacular everyday speech. The existing research that focuses on the translation techniques links the David Psalter to the modernistic tendencies. It also emphasises that Mikołaj Rej refers to the tradition of free translation presented in Poland in the translation of Walenty Wróbel. The analysis of the article indicates that Mikołaj Rej consciously follows two mentioned patterns and that there is an unexpected abundance of elements typical of the traditional biblical style. In turn, the innovative patterns, clearly visible in other works of Mikołaj Rej, are scarce and carefully applied while preserving the lexemes which form the traditional features of the biblical Polish language.</p> 2024-03-06T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Stylistyka Frazeologia jako środek stylistyczny w XVII-wiecznej Postylli chrześcijańskiej Samuela Dambrowskiego 2024-03-06T08:51:47+00:00 LIDIA PRZYMUSZAŁA <p>The article deals with the phraseology in the Christian Postil (Postylla chrześcijańska) of Samuel Dambrowski, the 17th-century Protestant preacher. This work, which is a collection of sermons, was published in the years 1620–1621 in Torun and belongs<br>to the genre of postils for the people. The aim of the article is to show the role of phraseology in Dambrowski’s publication and thus in the genre structure of the popular postils. The analysis of the material shows that the preacher used phraseology in a moderate manner, using phraseological compounds functioning in the general and colloquial Polish of that time. The units used by him are characterised by an ordinary and typical pattern of forms. Although the phraseology in Dambrowski’s work meets with the genre pattern of postils for the people, it is not, however, the dominant means for creating the style of his sermons.</p> 2024-03-06T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Największe XX-wieczne słowniki polsko-angielskie w perspektywie porównawczej: szkic z zakresu historii leksykografii 2024-03-06T08:52:31+00:00 MIROSŁAWA PODHAJECKA <p>This article concerns two largest Polish-English dictionaries published in the twentieth century, The Kościuszko-Foundation Dictionary: Polish-English (1961) by Kazimierz Bulas, Francis Whitfield, and Lawrence Thomas (1961), and Wielki słownik polsko-<br>-angielski [A Great Polish-English Dictionary] (1969) by Jan Stanisławski. Erazm Rykaczewski’s Dokładny słownik polsko-angielski… [A Complete Polish-English Dictionary…] (1851), a key dictionary that appeared in the mid-nineteenth century, was taken into account as a point of reference for comparative purposes. The article is based on two hypotheses, of which the first was verified by applying examples of usage as a research parameter and the other by looking at the dictionaries against the historical background. The analysis reveals that each compiler, as a native speaker of Polish, tried to make up for his imperfect knowledge of English. Faced with obstacles in compiling comprehensive bilingual dictionaries, both Bulas and Stanisławski, therefore, turned to Rykaczewski’s outdated material, modernising it for the sake of the target user. The different types of macrostructure and microstructure employed in both twentieth-century reference works were by no means a novelty, inasmuch as they can be discovered in the history of the Polish-English lexicography.</p> 2024-03-06T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Stylistyka Polskie dyskursy o (i)migracji po 1989 roku. Fazy, charakterystyki, style – wybrane aspekty 2024-03-06T08:51:33+00:00 MARTA SMYKAŁA <p>Should 2015 be considered the year of the birth of (im)migration discourse in Poland? What was the status of the topic of (im)migration in the Polish public discourse before the so-called migration crisis? How has the image of the ‘other’ changed in<br>the public debate of the last decades, years, months, and days? An attempt to answer these research questions requires a critical review of available research findings and relating them to previous and contemporary events. Current media reports of weekly<br>opinion-forming magazines and daily newspapers (including online versions) provide comparative material. The main focus of attention is the way immigration and immigrants are written about (mainly nomination strategies, keywords, and metaphors).<br>Referring to the available research results of the immigration discourse from years ago and comparing them with the current ones may indicate what we do “wrong” both “in” and “with” the aforementioned discourse and contribute to a more effective<br>and substantive discussion of the phenomenon.</p> 2024-03-06T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 MARTINA BODNÁROVÁ, JAZYK EXORCISTOV. VYMEDZENIE A OPIS KOMUNIKAČNÉHO SUBREGISTRA, Prešov: Prešovská univerzita v Prešove, Filozofická fakulta, 2020, 229 s. 2024-03-03T12:43:25+00:00 MARIA PAPIERZ 2024-03-06T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Stylistyka BUDZYŃSKA-DACA AGNIESZKA, RUSIN DYBALSKA RENATA (RED.), DYSKURSY POLITYCZNE W POLSCE I CZECHACH PO ROKU 1989. GATUNKI, STRATEGIE KOMUNIKACYJNE, WIZERUNKI MEDIALNE / POLITICKÉ DISKURZY V POLSKU A ČESKU PO ROCE 1989. ŽÁNRY, KOMUNIKAČNÍ STRATEGIE, MEDIÁLNÍ O 2024-03-04T19:03:34+00:00 Red. 2024-03-06T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024