Stylistyka <p>Czasopismo „Stylistyka” jest międzynarodowym periodykiem naukowym, założonym w 1992 r. przez prof. Stanisława Gajdę. Przedstawia wyniki badań komunikacji językowej ze stylistycznego punktu widzenia. Stylistyka jest tu rozumiana szeroko, jako transdyscyplinarna nauka zajmująca się kompetencją stylową, środkami stylowymi, stylem konkretnego tekstu, stylami indywidualnymi i zbiorowymi (gatunkowymi, funkcjonalnymi itd.) oraz ich psychicznymi, społecznymi i kulturowymi kontekstami. Rocznik publikuje wyniki badań stylistycznych prowadzonych w ramach językoznawstwa, literaturoznawstwa oraz nauk o kulturze. Do publikacji przyjmuje się teksty we wszystkich językach słowiańskich oraz w językach kongresowych (angielski, niemiecki, francuski). <a href="">Czytaj więcej</a></p> Instytut Językoznawstwa Uniwersytetu Opolskiego pl-PL Stylistyka 1230-2287 <p><img src="/public/site/images/torlowski/CC-BY-NC-SA.png"></p> <p>1. Prawa autorskie majątkowe do opublikowanych utworów ma Uniwersytet Opolski (do utworu zbiorowego) oraz Autorzy (do poszczególnych części utworu zbiorowego mających samodzielne znaczenie).</p> <p>2. W czasopiśmie naukowym „Stylistyka” publikowane mogą być jedynie utwory wcześniej nie rozpowszechnione.</p> <p>3. Uniwersytet Opolski nie ogranicza możliwości dalszego rozpowszechnienia przez Autora jego utworu pod warunkiem wskazania czasopisma naukowego „Stylistyka” jako pierwotnego miejsca publikacji oraz zgody Wydawnictwa UO.</p> <p>4. Zgoda na publikację utworu w czasopiśmie naukowym „Stylistyka” jest równoznaczna z udzieleniem przez Autora Uniwersytetowi Opolskiemu licencji niewyłącznej, obejmującej prawo do korzystania z utworu bez ograniczeń terytorialnych oraz czasowych na następujących polach eksploatacji:</p> <p>a) w zakresie utrwalania i zwielokrotniania utworu – wytwarzanie określoną techniką dowolnej ilości egzemplarzy utworu w całości lub w części, w tym techniką drukarską, reprograficzną, zapisu magnetycznego oraz techniką cyfrową, wprowadzenie utworu do pamięci komputera i sieci informatycznych,</p> <p>b) w zakresie obrotu oryginałem albo egzemplarzami, na których utwór utrwalono – wprowadzanie do obrotu, użyczenie lub najem oryginału lub egzemplarzy,</p> <p>c) w zakresie rozpowszechnienia utworu w sposób inny niż określonych w pkt 2 – udostępnienie utworu lub jego streszczenia w Internecie przez umożliwienie odbiorcom dostępu do utworu <em>on-line </em>lub umożliwienie ściągnięcia utworu do własnego urządzenia pozwalającego na zapoznawanie się z utworem, zamieszczenie utworu w bazach elektronicznych zajmujących się rozpowszechnianiem utworów naukowych, w tym w szczególności w bazie&nbsp; CEEOL (Central and Eastern Online Libray) oraz streszczenia w języku angielskim w bazie CEJSH (The Central Europaen Journal of Social Scienes and Humanites).</p> <p>d) w zakresie tworzenia i rozpowszechniania dzieł zależnych zrealizowanych przy wykorzystaniu utworu – korzystanie z nich na polach eksploatacji określonych w pkt 1–3.</p> <p>5. Z tytułu udzielenia licencji do utworu Autorowi nie należy się wynagrodzenie.</p> <p>6. Autor wyraża zgodę na udzielenie przez Uniwersytet dalszego zezwolenia na korzystanie z utworu (sublicencja) na polach eksploatacji wymienionych w par. 2 ust. 4.</p> <p>7. Autor wyraża zgodę na upublicznienie, w związku z rozpowszechnieniem utworu, swoich danych osobowych, to jest imienia i nazwiska, afiliacji oraz adresu e-mail.</p> Rudolfu Šrámkovi k 90. narozeninám ŽANETA DVOŘÁKOVÁ Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Stylistyka 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 33 231 239 Jubileusz 95-lecia Profesora Feliksa Pluty Krzysztof Lisiecki Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Stylistyka 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 33 241 253 XXIII Międzynarodowa i Ogólnopolska Konferencja Onomastyczna pt. „Onomastyka kulturowa” DANUTA LECH-KIRSTEIN Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Stylistyka 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 33 255 258 Śląsk austriacki i Śląsk pruski w prasie galicyjskiej w latach 1916–1922 <p>The article deals with the historical and cultural circumstances of the range and meaning of geographical name Śląsk (Silesia) and its derivatives (Upper Silesia, Cieszyn Silesia, Opole Silesia) using the example of Polish newspapers edited in Cracow and Lviv (former Galicia). The analysis shows that the choronym Śląsk was relatively narrow in its scope in Galician journals. Until the end of the First World War the name had mainly referred to the crown land of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The ways of naming parts of Silesia have been changing from 1920 to 1922, when finally part of Cieszyn Silesia (former Austrian Silesia) and then part of Upper Silesia (former Prussian Silesia) were annexed to the Polish state. According to Wojciech Chlebda’s conception of “mental map”, toponyms used in texts not only identify places, but also constitute components of the cultural code of a community at particular time.</p> Mirosława Sagan-Bielawa Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Stylistyka 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 33 5 21 10.25167/Stylistyka33.2024.1 Językowo-kulturowy obraz wsi i jej mieszkańców utrwalony w wiejskich toponimach (na przykładzie gminy Wręczyca Wielka w powiecie kłobuckim) <p>This article is devoted to reconstruction of the linguistic-cultural picture of country villages and their inhabitants, which emerges from informal toponyms. The problem that is considered by the author is very important in the context of progressive changes<br>of rural areas, widespread globalization processes and intergenerational exchange. The present study includes over 60 names of parts of villages, which were collected during the geographical exploration from 2022 to 2023 in the area of Wręczyca Wielka Commune situated next to Kłobuck in the north of Silesian Province. In the analysis of this onimic material, different kinds of ethnographic data, e.g. stories and legends, were used. The first part of the article is devoted to the specificity of the collected<br>toponyms, basic methodological solutions and studies connected with the issue in question. In the second part – on the strength of language material analysis and the so-called co-linguistic data – it could be claimed that the picture of a country village<br>as written down in the proper names reflects the environmental and cultural specificity of the region, e.g. little diversified configuration of the area, large scale forestation or value of life in the land. Creators of the names are also distinguished by their<br>specific reception of the non-verbal reality which is mostly perceived by their sense of sight. Furthermore, the anthropocentric point of view and remembering the past very often accompany inhabitants of villages during nomination acts. They also take care of simplicity and practicality of components of this informal toponimic system.</p> TOMASZ JELONEK Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Stylistyka 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 33 23 39 Pomirki, Kamarka, Pietrus, Radiów – o etymologii ludowej i naukowej wybranych mikrotoponimów z obszaru dawnej Łemkowszczyzny <p>The purpose of the article is to present the folk etymology of selected microtoponyms, their scientific verification aimed at establishing the actual origin of the names, showing differences between the folk and scientific etymology. The article also describes<br>the mechanisms governing folk etymological reinterpretation in the ethnolinguistic borderlands. This is because the villages covered by the study are located in areas that until the 1940s had been inhabited mainly by Lemkos, the population of Polish origin being a minority. It was found that most often etymological reinterpretation concerned mainly names with topographical and affiliation motivation, which was due to changes in the population structure after the displacement of Lemkos, as well as significant transformations in the topographical space of the study area.</p> Robert Słabczyński Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Stylistyka 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 33 41 54 10.25167/Stylistyka33.2024.3 Nazwy odantroponimiczne jako ekspresywne znaki pamięci wiejskiej wspólnoty językowo-kulturowej <p>This article discusses examples of unofficial (nicknames) and official anthroponyms<br>(first names, surnames) of inhabitants of selected villages in southern Poland, used in<br>everyday contacts by members of the local linguistic and cultural micro-community<br>in a manner that is unusual as far as references by proper names are concerned.<br>The source material was obtained during field research and includes short spoken<br>texts illustrating how the discussed vocabulary functions in communication. These<br>types of names have a very limited scope of use, being applied in relatively small<br>areas – in neighborhoods or family environments. Attention was paid to the intention of using this type of vocabulary, the perlocutionary effect resulting from its use<br>and its important, complex function. The use of such transferred names is a way of<br>transposing the content of intergenerational community memory, has an integrating<br>and community-forming function, and informs about the value system of a given<br>linguistic and cultural community. The message within which those words appear<br>clearly becomes more expressive.</p> ANNA PIECHNIK Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Stylistyka 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 33 55 66 Pamulorze, Cebulorze, Grzybki, Rabarbary, czyli o pewnej kategorii przezwisk gwarowych <p>The article is dedicated to dialectal nicknames motivated by culinary art. Strictly speaking, they are collective nicknames given to inhabitants of neighbouring villages. Such names are not very well documented in linguistic articles, so they are still waiting for a more comprehensive description. In this article, the motivational characteristics of those onyms, as well as their division and formal description, are presented. The largest group of neighbours’ dialectal nicknames based on culinary art includes anthroponyms originating from the names of dishes characteristic of the nicknamed villages (most of them refer to simple regional dishes or to food which is somehow untypical of a village). The second largest group includes nicknames motivated by activities related to culinary art. Other motivational classes have just an indirect, formal connection with food: these names are based on lexemes related to cuisine, but their motivation is not culinary. They include nicknames motivated by crops characteristic of the nicknamed villages and locative nicknames. A few anthroponyms are individual in nature. All the names were generally created through morphological derivation (derivates with the suffix -arz are dominant). They were rarely created through neo-semantization. The lexemes that were collected and analysed confirm the dynamic nature of nicknaming processes in villages. They constitute a characteristic feature of their language and, at the same time, make an anthroponymic category that is, in a way, universal.</p> Tomasz Kurdyła Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Stylistyka 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 33 67 79 10.25167/Stylistyka33.2024.5 Nazwy telewizyjnych programów sportowych z komponentem wartościującym (na przykładzie stacji Canal+ Sport) <p>The purpose of this article is to look at the names of TV sports programmes through the prism of values and valuation. Research methods developed both in onomastics and axiology were used. An attempt was made to answer the questions: What axiologically characterized elements are the components of the names of sports programs? What values do their creators refer to? Which names – for their direct or indirect values – are more common? The study is based on the typology of ultimate values proposed by Jadwiga Puzynina. The research basis is the names of television programs on the Canal+ Sport Channel. The analyzed medionyms most often include references to vital and feeling values. Much less frequently the creators of medionym refer to cognitive, customary or moral values. Few names contain a value-primar component, while the vast majority are definitional or connotative value words. In<br>the studied propria, value measures from different levels of language are used. Positive axiologization dominates.</p> KATARZYNA BURSKA Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Stylistyka 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 33 81 100 Grill&Gulasz, czyli o nazwach imprez kulinarnych <p>Culinary tourism (part of a broader phenomenon called cultural tourism) has become extremely fashionable in recent years. It is closely related to culinary events organised on various occasions – accompanying other events or constituting the goal of a culinary trip in itself. An incentive to participate in them and a kind of trademark are the various names of these events, sometimes extremely original, testifying to the immense creativity of the organisers. The object of observation in this contribution are the names of culinary events belonging – according to Artur Gałkowski’s proposal – to ideational chrematonyms. The names of this&nbsp; subcategory of socioideonyms have not been sufficiently developed yet, so they have become the subject of research. Accordingly, the aim of this article is a formal and semantic analysis of these names, a discussion of the motivation behind the presented onyms,<br>and an indication of their functions. The research basis for the observations made are 165 names of culinary events, organised periodically in the years 2019-2023 in three voivodeships: Silesia, Lower Silesia and Opole. The analysis of the material shows that multi-word constructions consisting of elements such as: a component&nbsp; identifying the project (e.g. festiwal [festival], święto [celebration], warsztaty [workshop]), specifying its nature (e.g. wodzionki [of Wodzionka soup], smaków [of flavours], maszketówi [of Silesian sweets]), locating event (e.g. w Lyskach [in Lyski], w Bagieńcu [in Bagieniec]) are very characteristic of this type of names. The basic naming model can be supplemented with various variant components. Onyms of this category, apart from their primary informative function, also play marketing, persuasive and promotional roles.&nbsp;</p> Lidia Przymuszała Dorota Świtała-Trybek Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Stylistyka 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 33 101 116 10.25167/Stylistyka33.2024.7 Zástupné a opisné pomenovania v onlinovej publicistike ako nosiče komunikačných stratégií <p>In this paper, we have focused on the location of personal aliases, their placement in the media environment, and the assumed or constructed value profile of the above-mentioned names occurring in media communication interactions. A representative set of descriptive name or alias variants of personal proper names used by media-exposed actors in social and political life, which appear in journalism at the turning points or during the crisis periods, allows detecting and interpreting the identification (individualizing, differentiating) potential, ambition to reach pragmastylistic fixing (of a collocation) and its application in contemporary online opinion journalism. The material base is formed, and the space for arguments is provided by aliases and descriptive names acting in the initial texts of both online mainstream and participatory (civic, alternative) journalistic products, as well as in the related online discussion forums.</p> VLADIMÍR PATRÁŠ Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Stylistyka 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 33 117 129 W stronę badań nad tytułami albumów fonograficznych: tzw. albumy eponimiczne <p>Proper names selected for musical albums are constantly changing. Certain consensus in the naming nomenclature was reached in the 1960s so that now most album names contain an ideonym and a name of a musical group. However, some names are eponymous in the sense that a name of a musical group serves as a title of an album. This is more typical of debut albums as it aids the new musical groups in reaching a wider audience. The article analyses the issue from a more complex perspective, as the selection of such a title is not always driven by the need to reduce the number of proper names. Other issues are also raised in the paper, including the difficulties related to the selection of a proper name for a musical album as well as the influence of musical genre on the naming tendencies.</p> Radosław Marcinkiewicz Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Stylistyka 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 33 131 152 10.25167/Stylistyka33.2024.9 Analiza porównawcza tytułów podręczników do nauki języka hiszpańskiego i języka polskiego jako obcego <p>The title of a textbook for learning a foreign language is a seemingly small and uninteresting element of the text, which, in a situation of real contact with the book, becomes a bridge between the learner and the text of the textbook (Uździcka 2007).<br>Additionally, it serves many functions – from informational, through emotive to phatic.<br>The titles also include conceptual metaphors (Lakoff, Johnson 1980), understood as carriers of meaning, as well as tools of thinking and action that show a view of the learning process. The analysis of the titles is comparative, i.e. 50 titles of textbooks<br>for Spanish as a foreign language and the same number for Polish as a foreign language were examined. The conclusions therefore take into account cultural aspects, which is an attempt to find the causes of differences and similarities between them.<br>The study therefore falls within the scope of interest in cultural onomastics, showing how a selected fragment of reality is perceived in terms of a fixed “mental pattern” (Lech-Kirstein 2015). The presented analysis covers the formal and functional characteristics of the title structure, in which the examined units were grouped according to the criteria of formal analysis and semantic types</p> ANNA ANDRZEJEWSKA Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Stylistyka 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 33 153 173 „A później będzie płacz…” <p>This article examines the characteristics of subject lines in email marketing messages, focusing on subscription-based communications from marketing professionals. These messages, which promote participation in webinars and purchase of products such as training materials and e-books, are targeted at entrepreneurs and constitute an integral component of marketing communication. Recognized as inherently persuasive, these emails frequently employ eye-catching headlines in bold type, embellished with emojis, to capture attention. The study analyses how varied sentence structures – including interrogative, imperative, and declarative forms – influence recipients’ emotions. Additionally, the use of colloquial language and, most probably, intentional linguistic mistakes is explored as a strategy to build rapport with potential clients. The ultimate objective of these messages is to maximize customer acquisition and drive sales of the advertised products.</p> Izabela Domaciuk-Czarny Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Stylistyka 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 33 175 192 10.25167/Stylistyka33.2024.11 Urbanonimy motywowane frazeologizmami jako forma gry onimicznej z pośrednikiem inicjacji czytelniczej w literaturze dziecięcej Agnieszki Zimnowodzkiej <p>The article is aimed at exploring literary urbanonyms motivated by phraseologisms, derived from Humorki, a series of stories for children by Agnieszka Zimnowodzka. The categorical and formal properties of the bases used to create the described names<br>require from the addressee appropriate communicative and cultural competences. Taking into account the age of the addressees of the stories, it was assumed that these formations may be semantically illegible for a child, so they were considered in the<br>context of an onymic game with an adult reader – an intermediary in the reading initiation. The urbanonyms listed in the series of stories were described in terms of motivation and communication, with focus on their textual and semiotic structures,<br>with the use of compiled research methods. The analysis of creations motivated by phraseological vocabulary proves that these names are not only a key link in the writer’s creative strategy, but also that – on each communication level – they have<br>been subordinated to textual pragmatics. Names motivated by phraseologisms, apart from their primary functions – of localization and content, perform many other ones that interpenetrate the text – the illusive, humorous, informative, intertextual, creative,<br>ludic, metatextual, cognitive, stylistic and evaluative functions.</p> IZABELA ŁUC Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Stylistyka 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 33 193 209 Ekspresjonizm i jego sposoby nazywania świata <p>The text offers a reflection on the specificity of the existence of proper names in expressionist literature. Unlike the “classical” form, when a researcher of literary onomastics interprets a specific class of words, nomina propria, in expressionistic experience, lexemes written with a capital letter often lose their “own” meaning and become secondary or even common. Instead, ordinary words, even not self-reliant parts of speech, expressions of feelings, intellectual states, etc., distinguished in the works by the artists who create them, acquire properties. In the article, after outlining problems related to the study of the title artistic direction, the author lists its<br>names, groups them and discusses their meaning. Thus, the category of proper name is expanded, showing how licentia poetica determines a seemingly stable research term, its scope and meaning. The research material comes from the expressionist works of Jerzy Hulewicz, Józef Wittlin and Emil Zegadłowicz.</p> Paweł Graf Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Stylistyka 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 33 211 226 10.25167/Stylistyka33.2024.13