Educational migrations as a factor of the depopulation of the intermetropolitan region

Romuald JOŃCZY



In this paper there are presented results of the research which indicate that metropolises could “wash out” of economic resources from intermetropolitan regions which as a consequence may experience many problems, one of which could be a depopulation. One of the factor of the depopulation are educational migrations involving the transfer of young people in order to enter the higher education institution to other centers (metropolises). In the situation when educational migrations transform into non-return migration it may contribute to the depopulation of the region and can lead to slow down the development of the intermetropolitan regions changing such areas to peripheries.


educational migrations, the depopulation, the intermetropolitan region

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Cited by

JOŃCZY, R., & ROKITA-POSKART, D. (2020). Educational migrations as a factor of the depopulation of the intermetropolitan region. Economic and Environmental Studies, 14(1 (29), 9–20. Retrieved from


Romuald JOŃCZY 



