The profile of Polish prosumer and its political background

Alicja Małgorzata GRACZYK


Thermal coal power plants in Poland have not been and will not be able to meet the demand for energy in the country, in the face of increasing climate change. Effective solution to the existing problem is the diversification of energy sources and making investment in distributed, renewable energy sources. Another factor which can increase the energy security of the citizens is to generate electricity for their own needs at the point of consumption, i.e. the households. A prosumer becomes a real participant in the energy market of Poland. How vital a role can such prosumer play in the power system? What is the profile and the potential of a Polish prosumer? The author of this article will attempt to answer these questions by defining the concept of the prosumer, identifying the legal regulations concerning the EU and Poland in the sphere of energy production, and by analysing the prospects and development opportunities of prosumerism of the country.


Polish households, prosumers, renewable energy sources, energy production

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Cited by

GRACZYK, A. M. (2020). The profile of Polish prosumer and its political background. Economic and Environmental Studies, 16(1(37), 35–48. Retrieved from


Alicja Małgorzata GRACZYK 

