Integrated Territorial Investments as a tool of sustainable regional and local development



The problem area discussed in this article relates to evaluation of realization of Integrated Territorial Investments [ITI] within functional areas, in the context of shaping the sustainable development of territorial units. The ITI provide a new tool of the regional policy oriented towards forming the partnership-based model of cooperation of local government units and complex solving of developmental problems of cities and their functional areas. As a new instrument of realization of the development policy it must go in line with policies in force, concepts of socioeconomic and spatial development of the country. In the article, relations between the idea of territorial development – thus implementation of the ITI – and the conception of sustainable development of the country are considered. An attempt is also made at determining the influence of the ITI on the process of balancing the regional development. The analysis of the research problem is based on source documents which program the regional development of Poland. It was established that the policy of development oriented territorially goes in line with realization of the sustainable development, while the ITI may exert an influence on the process of sustaining the regional development.


regional policy, region, integrated territorial investments (ITI), sustainable development

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Cited by

SZAFRANEK, E. (2020). Integrated Territorial Investments as a tool of sustainable regional and local development. Economic and Environmental Studies, 14(4 (32), 485–495. Retrieved from



