Lowe [1985, 163] rightly observed that from the daybreak of history man has engaged in economic activity and no other activity has consciously occupied him to such an extent. The scalę of economic activity and its character has changed, the economy and civilisation has developed. Yet systematic reflection regarding this major sphere of human activity did not occur until the 17th century, when economics emerged from philosophy as an independent discipline of study. During the last twenty years we have witnessed quite a lively discussion of the concept of sustainable development, seen as an attempt to integrate social, institutional, economic and environmental aspects of development. It is sometimes analysed as
a philosophical, economic and political concept, in its theoretical and practical, positive and normative, global and local aspects. The multitude of approaches to the notion of sustainable development demonstrates the significance attributed to this modę of describing and shaping reality. This paper concentrates on political aspects of the development and implementation of sustainable development.
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Małgorzata BURCHARD-DZIUBIŃSKAStatistics
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