Competition in the capital part of the pension scheme in Poland

Daria Kostecka-Jurczyk


The oligopolistic structure of the open pension funds in Poland implies homogeneity of their behaviors on the market. In particular, it influences low competitive pressure between the funds. This Article draws attention to poor competitiveness of the funds, both in the area of price competition, and quality competition. Undoubtedly, besides from the market structure, also statutory regulations, especially investment limits had impact on this situation. One may not claim, though, that statutory regulations completely eliminated the possibility of competition between the funds. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the areas of competition between the funds and the possibility of increasing competitive pressure between them.


open pension funds, competition on the OFEs’ market, oligopoly, pension system, OFEs’ investment policy

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Cited by

Kostecka-Jurczyk, D. (2020). Competition in the capital part of the pension scheme in Poland. Economic and Environmental Studies, 15(1 (33), 61–75. Retrieved from


Daria Kostecka-Jurczyk




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