Sustainability and antifragility

Joost Platje


In this article, some general conceptual issues regarding the relevance of antifragility for sustainable development and organizational sustainability are developed. This is done against the background of the general research hypothesis which is the basis for future research, requiring a paradigm shift from resilience of systems and organizations towards antifragility: Antifragility is the basis of intra- and intergenerational sustainability as well as long-term survival. More is needed than resilience, which rather focuses on the capacity and capability to recover from different shocks. Sustainability strategies should focus on the prevention or elimination of unsustainable activities or fragilities, replacing them, when necessary, with less unsustainable activities. This is a first step in enabling organizations or systems to handle unexpected future events, potentially threatening their existence.


sustainable development, sustainability, fragility, antyfragility, subtractive epistemology

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Cited by

Platje, J. (2020). Sustainability and antifragility. Economic and Environmental Studies, 15(4 (36), 469–477. Retrieved from


Joost Platje




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