It would be difficult to find a country in the world where the inhabitants would be fully satisfied with their health care system, and therefore structural changes of the systems have been underway in recent years. The range of reforms undertaken was extensive, involving the improvement of health care efficiency, access and ąuality. This is a difficult and complicated process, mainly because of the often adverse interests of different institutions and bodies involved. Besides, the health care system protecting the health, safety and well-being of the citizens has been too often used for political game-playing. This is particularly the case in these countries where the health care system is largely financed from public resources. These resources should ensure an equal access for everybody to the best functioning, fairly shared, effective and modern national health care. From another point of view, public resources intended on the maintenance and the improvement of the health care can also be viewed as providing favourable social and economic benefits to the community. The purpose of this paper is to provide some key background Information on the functioning of the health care system in Poland over the period from 1999 till now.
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