
The investigation presented in the article proves that Germany still remains divided into two distinct parts from the point of view of demography. Unlike the Western part, East Germany is characterized by a considerably higher burden index, ageing index, and the dynamics of the ageing process. In the former lands of the Federal Republic of Germany the ageing process is signifi- cantly slowed down by such factors as the domestic influx of East Germany immigrants.
The analyses presented in this article attempt to depict the ageing process of Germans on the turn of the 20th and 218t century. However, the concluding remarks try to cast a new light on the demography in the Federal Republic of Germany after the unification of the Western and Eastern States, and also try to challenge stereotypes fossilized by earlier studies. What is morę, it is difficult to predict the futurę of the country with nearly 80 million inhabitants. What will come will probably be decided by the level of birthrate, hence, by the number of the young within the population, and the number of the young when set against the cohort of the post-war baby boom, who are now Crossing the border age of 65. In addition, it is also very difficult to predict if demographic shifts in Germany will still be decided by foreign and domestic immigrants, and if the birth ratę among native Germans will finally increase.

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