Renewable Energy Investment Stimulants in Polish Agricultural Holdings as a Part of Supporting Sustainable Agriculture
Małgorzata Graczyk
The article concerns the analysis of the results of surveys conducted by the author in Lower Silesia region in Poland. The results of the research presented in the article have been narrowed down for the stimulants (benefits, advantages and reasons) of the renewable energy sources (RES) investment in agricultural holdings. Author also studied economic and social phenomena contributing to the RES increase in sustainable agriculture. The aim of the article is to identify and analyze the renewable energy investment stimulants in polish agricultural holdings as a part of supporting sustainable agriculture. At the beginning the term of sustainable agriculture was defined as well as sustainable energy system. In the second part of the article the general overview on renewable energy sources in the Polish and the UE agriculture was presented. In the third part there was methodology, including sampling and purpose of the survey introduced. Next parts of the article concerned the results of conducted survey. The agricultural holdings investigation mainly were focused on the advantages of RES use in rural areas in Poland in the light of meeting sustainable agriculture goals. One of the most important aspects of sustainable agriculture is the use of sustainable energy systems, including RES. Investigated agricultural holdings emphasized: improving energy security, ensuring energy supply, as well as to be less dependent on future energy price increases, gaining health benefits (clean air and environment), using the local energy potential and enhancing energy security in the country and first of all, increasing opportunities for agricultural development. In the article there were used such research methods as statistical data analysis of conducted survey, synthesis, evaluation and observation
Polish agricultural holdings, renewable energy sources, energy production, questionnaire surveys, sustainable agricultureReferences
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