Evangelos I. MANOLAS
The shared understanding that different students in higher education do indeed learn differently - or at least prefer to learn - differently [Diaz and Carrtnal, 1999; Lemire, 1996; Snyder, 2000] makes it necessary for educators to use a variety of methods in their classrooms [Doolan and Honingsfeld, 2000; Ebeling, 2001; Nulty and Barrett, 1996], The fuli involvement of students in the learning process could be achieved through active, rather than passive, learning approaches. Active learning, as opposed to passive learning, directly and actively involves students in the learning process. This means that instead of simply receiving Information verbally and visually, students are receiving and participating and doing
[McKeachie, 2001]. Active learning includes everything from listening practices, which help students to absorb what they hear, to complex group exercises in which students apply course materiał to “real life” situations and/or new problems.
Библиографические ссылки
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