An economic analysis of the reservoirs reclamation methods in the Kłodnica River catchment
Reclamation and rehabilitation of water reservoirs is particularly important for their functioning and fulfilment of their economic, social, natural and other functions. The paper presents a case study of the ex-ante economic analysis used to determine the most suitable reservoirs reclamation method from the pre-selected methods (such as: hypolimnion removal and silt dredging) for the three reservoirs in the Kłodnica River catchment situated in Silesia Province. The presented results and their discussion are of practical importance in order to select a particular way of improving the water quality of the reservoirs as well as contribute to the development of methods of assessing the economic efficiency of water reservoir reclamation in Poland.
economic analysis##common.commaListSeparator## reclamation##common.commaListSeparator## water reservoirs##common.commaListSeparator## Kłodnica River##libcom.statistics##
##submission.copyrightStatement##álnejšie články rovnakého autora (rovnakých autorov)
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