Sustainable Development in the Bottom-Up Approach – Selected Aspects



Economy, society, environment and sometimes indicated institutional and political system – on these pillars is based the idea of sustainable development. The necessity for a global balance in these dimensions hinders the
multidimensional approach of ideas. These difficulties increase when the attempt is taken on a macro scale. At that time, detailed monitoring of the performance of countries in terms of sustainability was started, which next would
allow for some adjustments. These adjustments aim at identifying the achievable level of norms at the lower economic and social levels, thus creating a more matched system. In this paper was presented selected aspects of sustainable
development in the form of indicators, which are referring to Poland in comparison with the maximum, minimum and average results achieved in the European Union. Presenting and analyzing data by identifying disparities between
regions is to contribute ultimately to achieve the article goal, that is to confirm the need to introduce appropriate levels of standards in a way that is more matched to the situation of the area and not purely from above, covering larger territories.


Socio-economic balance##common.commaListSeparator## environmental balance##common.commaListSeparator## sustainable development indicators##common.commaListSeparator## decentralization

Central Statistical Office of Poland (2011). Wskaźniki Zrównoważonego Rozwoju. Katowice: Central Statistical Office in Katowice.

The data published by Eurostat in Eurostat DataBase.

The data published by Central Statistical Office of Poland.

