As an element of the scientific quality of the articles published, Economic and Environmental Studies continues to develop and introduce procedures in order to prevent phenomena such as ghostwriting, guest authorship, and plagiarism.
Ghostwriting means that one or more authors, having made an important contribution to the article, are not mentioned as co-author(s). This also concerns not mentioning the role of persons having contributed in one or the other way to the publication.
Guest authorship (honorary authorship) means that a person is mentioned as the author or co-author of an article without having contributed at all to the article.
Plagiarism means that significant parts of the article are not paraphrased and / or resources are not given. Also autoplagiarism is considered to be improper scientific practice, being defined as an author having published more than 10% of the article in another article. When an article already published in another language is offered for publication, the original publication should be mentioned in the first footnote.
Unsound scientific practice, which reduces the quality and originality of science, will be documented and reported to the proper institutions (e.g., institutions where the authors are employed, other institutions and journals). Based on the decision of the reviewers and the editors, authors engaging in unsound scientific practices will be excluded from the future possibility of publication in Economic and Environmental Studies.
In order to prevent the mentioned phenomena, the reviewers will pay special attention to the issue. The editors of Economic and Environmental Studies appreciate the honest declaration of factual contribution to the publication. The authors should fill out and sign the “authors’ declaration” (available online). Main responsibility for the scientific quality of the manuscript is borne by the author sending the manuscript.