Models of space and world in Wolfgang Koeppen’s Tauben im Gras

Jing Guo

Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel


This article focuses on the semiotics of space in Tauben im Gras (1951) by Wolfgang Koeppen. Topographical spaces are divided into two types: contrast spaces and encounter spaces. Within this context, the semantics of these spaces are explained extensively and respectively against the background of historical, social and cultural connotations, and reflected in terms of their functionality. By analyzing the relationship between plot and space, Koeppen’s world model can be revealed.


Wolfgang Koeppen, Tauben im Gras, spatial semantics, border crossing, worldview


Cited by

Guo, J. (2023). Models of space and world in Wolfgang Koeppen’s Tauben im Gras. Germanistische Werkstatt, (12), 43–53.



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