A perspective on the potential role of renewable energy for sustainable development on a local scale

Małgorzata Wzorek



The idea of sustainable development is increasingly being introduced into the energy management of many municipalities. This trend can be seen in the countries of the European Union, in particular, in Germany, Austria and Denmark, where the integrated policy for development of local energy and economy with social progress is implemented. In Poland, these solutions are still in the phase of intentions; however, attempts are made to take action in this respect. The paper discusses innovative solutions for the local energy management based on renewable sources with regard to their adaptation to the local conditions in Poland. The parameters affecting the development of the local energy sector are discussed. An emphasis is placed on the initiatives undertaken with the purpose of engaging local communities in the development of the renewable energy production and implementation of solutions, making use of examples of other schemes currently in force in Europe.


sustainable energy, renewable energy, local scale

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Cited by

Wzorek, M. (2020). A perspective on the potential role of renewable energy for sustainable development on a local scale. Economic and Environmental Studies, 18(1 (45), 431–443. https://doi.org/10.25167/ees.2018.45.24


Małgorzata Wzorek 




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