Analysis of domestic sewage treatment system in the aspect of sustainable development


Małgorzata WZOREK


Year by year domestic sewage treatment plants are becoming more popular. A pilot solution used on a grand scale in Pietrowice Wielkie commune allowed for the construction of a sewage system for villages located far from each other and made the commune more attractive. This paper presents the analysis of investment and operating costs, the assessment of environmental benefits and social aspects. The solution used had a significant effect on the improvement of living conditions of the residents. The conducted analyses of the domestic sewage treatment system in the aspect of sustainable development allowed for the recognition of domestic biological sewage treatment plants as an economical, modern and safe solution and also as a cheap alternative to traditional sewerage systems


domestic biological sewage treatment plants, cost analysis, sustainable development

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Cited by

PAWLITA-POSMYK, M., & WZOREK, M. (2020). Analysis of domestic sewage treatment system in the aspect of sustainable development. Economic and Environmental Studies, 16(3(39), 491–500. Retrieved from




Małgorzata WZOREK

