The process of communicating customer value and its role in a competitive economy



The process of communicating customer value not only provides buyers with awareness of what products and services they can buy, but also of the benefits of the purchase for them. The communication process aims to create and strengthen attitudes among buyers, leading to a favorable reception of products / services as well as a change of attitude from neutral to positive – creative. The focus of this study are the economic mechanisms of the effectiveness and efficiency of the process of communicating specified value to the customer, and an attempt to identify the factors boosting efficiency increase. Thus, the purpose of this work is to show trends, mechanisms and effects of communicating customer value, as well as an attempt to signal new challenges in the field of marketing communication.


value, competition, effectiveness, communication, market

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Cited by

CZARNIEWSKI, S. (2020). The process of communicating customer value and its role in a competitive economy. Economic and Environmental Studies, 14(3 (31), 329–352. Retrieved from



