Kraina faraonów w dziele Deuteronomisty (Joz–2 Krl)
Blandyna Pieprzyca
The work of Deuteronomist bears numbers of mentions about Egypt. It shows the attitude of Israel in relation to Yahweh, who freed them from the house of bondage. The image of the land of the Pharaohs as well as foreign idols brings the reader that faith which is not from the heart becomes to be shallow. The Josh–2 Kgs special motif is becoming way out of Egypt, which with nearly every recollection about Egypt is present. This saving is trampled by the Israelites, when you serve other gods. The House of bondage, and output it to the chosen people a lesson for life. Return to the deities, the worship due only to Jehovah. In moments, the embryo of the war or oppression they call of the Pharaoh, to come to the rescue to save them from the enemy. Constantly returned to the House of slaves, become addicted to it. The observance of the commandments recorded in the Ex 20:3 says: you will have no other gods before me! becomes in time for Israel’s barrier, which cannot jump. Keep again a circle of history and return to Jehovah the Staggers. Must be followed by oppression, war and captivity again, their eyes on the newly opened and hearts again clung to this, that the power of His turned out to be, when he has made the exit of his people and threw the sea Chariots of Pharaoh and his army (Exodus 15:4a).
Słowa kluczowe:
faraon, Egipt, Exodus, Pismo ŚwięteBibliografia
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Inne teksty tego samego autora
- Blandyna Pieprzyca, Tragizm żywota króla Saula. Wybór, namaszczenie, odrzucenie, opętanie , Scriptura Sacra: Nr 17 (2013): Scriptura Sacra