Dude Shepherds and the Good Shepherd – Ezek 34 in the light of Hebrew rhetoric

Jerzy Bosowski

Uniwersytet Opolski, Wydział Teologiczny


The context of the research undertaken was the different description of the structure of the Ez 34 text by different commentators of Ezekiel. The aim of the research was to discover the structure that the ancient author planned and wrote down. The method of Hebrew rhetoric, developed by Roland Meynet, was used. The following research results were achieved: a fragment of Ez 34,1-10 has a parallel-concentric structure with the scheme A, B, C, B', A'. Fragment Ez 34,11-31 also has a parallel-concentric structure with the same scheme A, B, C, B', A'. The conclusion that can be drawn from the text under examination is that the Book of Ezekiel is current today.


The Book of Ezekiel, the prophet Ezekiel, Hebrew rhetoric, parallel-concentric structures, shepherds, flock, sheep


Cited by

Bosowski, J. (2020). Dude Shepherds and the Good Shepherd – Ezek 34 in the light of Hebrew rhetoric. Scriptura Sacra, (24), 11–35. https://doi.org/10.25167/ScrS/2079


Jerzy Bosowski 

Doktor teologii w zakresie teologii biblijnej. Praca doktorska o tytule: Wyrocznie przeciw Egiptowi Ez 29–32 w świetle retoryki hebrajskiej, obroniona na Wydziale Teologicznym UO. Członek Stowarzyszenia Biblistów Polskich (SBP 365). Obszary badań naukowych: retoryka biblijna, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem retoryki hebrajskiej, Księga Ezechiela.



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