Retoryka biblijna-semicka

Roland Meynet S.I.

Pontificia Università Gregoriana


The aim of this article is to make a short and a practical introduction to the Biblical and Semitic Rhetorical analysis. It begins with a brief historical overview of the development of this biblical approach starting from its founders focus on their discovery of key elements of rhetorical compositions found in the Bible like parallelismus membrorum, parallel and concentric compositions. In the second part of this article the author show how those rhetorical compositions function on various levels of composition starting with small textual units and ending with textual large. In the last part the author give some hints on how to interpret the text taking into consideration its composition and the biblical context. The article concludes with a sample of rhetorical analysis of an Islamic prayer and its comparison with the Lord’s Prayer.


biblical rhetoric, Semitic rhetoric, text composition, parallelism, concentrism, interpretation


Cited by

Meynet S.I., R. (2020). Retoryka biblijna-semicka. Scriptura Sacra, (23), 11–42.


Roland Meynet S.I. 



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