Biblical Basics of Catholic Teaching on the New Evangelization in the Prophetic Dimension
Artur Sepioło
Wydział Teologiczny UOAbstract
The New evangelization at its beginnings is connected closely to the spiritual intuition of John Paul II. Today this is huge course in pastoral practice of many dioceses and it could be recognized as the Holy Spirit breath reviving the Church in the 21st century (Matt 28,20b). Firmly she is set in the tradition and in every aspect has deep biblical grounds. Constantly up-to-date missionary summons (Matt 28,19-20) is picking the new shape up, because conditions have changed both inside, and outside of Church. The Gospel, unchanging as for contents (Gal 1,7a) is propagated with the new zeal (of 2 Cor 5,14), new method (1 Thess 1,5a) and with new manner of the expression (Heb 1,1-2a). New evangelization is urgent calling of our times and nobody should last in the inactivity. So new evangelists are needed to be overfilled with passion, which as pupil-missionaries are never acting on one’s own and are getting new Community mentality. Copying St Paul they always search for new Areopaguses (Acts 17,22), filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, they serve with charismata (Mark 16,20). Faithful the method of the Jesus, as apostles, they face the listeners with the decision of faith (Acts 2,37-38). The Roman Catholic Church feels that his duty is to find new tools and the new language, adapted for the present. Thanks which it would be possible to hear and to understand the kerygma words on deserts of the world. Hope cherished in the Christian heart and not an evil of this world is a motivation for the new evangelization (1 Pet 3,15).
new evangelization, propagating, kerygma, the GospelReferences
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