The Phrase metV evmou as a Sign of Intimacy between God and Man in the Book of Revelation

Joanna Nowińska SM

UPJPII, Kraków


The phrase metV evmou used in the Book of Revelation has two subjects. The first is Jesus, who submit to a man a proposition to create relationship (Rev 3:4.20.21), the second one – a man, who receive news as directed to him (Rev 1,12; 4,1; 10,8; 17,1; 21,9). Mediations of God’s presence (Rev 10,8; 17,1; 21,9) don’t make any problem for perception. The space of communication between God and a man constitutes the intimacy, confidence and protection, and courage to realize God’s order (Rev 1:12) and fight to everyday problems (Rev 3:4). The accent on the aspect of interchange (Rev 3:20f) confirms the quality of that relationship for God and establishes liberty and authenticity of that discuss (peripate,w metV evmou – Rev 3:4). The propose of common dinner, because of deipne,w (Rev 3:20) put the intimacy in the context of Eucharist. The author join metV evmou with promises for conquerors (Rev 3:21) and in that’s way remind the covenantal declaration (Rev 21:3) and announce son’s dignity (Rev 21:7). Such founded the intimacy give a chance to fight with any kind of a pressure and a distress – so it is the aim of the Book of Revelation.


intimacy, God, man, perception, aim

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Cited by

Nowińska SM, J. (2019). The Phrase metV evmou as a Sign of Intimacy between God and Man in the Book of Revelation. Scriptura Sacra, (19), 171–182. Retrieved from


Joanna Nowińska SM 



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