Transformation of using ground in voivodship cities in years 2010 and 2014
Anna Harańczyk
The paper presents the transformation of functional and spatial structure of 18 voivodship cities in Poland. The study is based on the data on the land records for the years 2010 and 2014, collected in the city survey departments of the selected cities. The paper consists of two parts. The first part presents the structure and dynamics of the land according to the forms of land use that have been divided into agricultural land, forests, green areas and built-up and urbanized land. The detailed analysis of urban areas of 18 cities is provided for the main groups of residential areas, industrial areas, other built-up areas, urban areas, recreational areas, communication areas. The second part of the article presents a comparative analysis of the structure of land in the cities based on the forms of the ownership. It also contains the sources of the budget revenue from all forms of the land management within the case cities. In summary, the paper presents the conclusions of the conducted study.
City, functional and spatial structure, urban areas development, structure of land use in cities, land property incomesReferences
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