Green economy as a new concept of cities’ development

Klaudia Plac


The paper was devoted to the concept of green economy perceived as a new idea of cities` development. It is aimed at identification of theoretical justification of green economy notion along with its significance to the growth processes of selected highly developed countries, regions and cities. In empirical dimension preliminary identification of effects generated by activities connected with the green economy in selected large Polish and Danish cities were conducted in the context of environmental, economic and transportation impacts. The survey based on comparative analysis linked with standard dynamics indexes.In interpretation dimension it was assumed that implementation of the green economy in cities should lead to the economic growth effects accompanied by decreasing environmental burdens.


green economy, local development, comparative analysis of cities

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Cited by

Plac, K. (2020). Green economy as a new concept of cities’ development. Studia Miejskie, 19, 109–120. Retrieved from


Klaudia Plac 



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