Changes in the standard of living in Wałbrzych in comparison to the larger cities in Lower Silesia
Katarzyna Przybyła
The article involves an analysis of the changes in the standard of living in Wałbrzych in comparison to the larger cities in Lower Silesia: Jelenia Gora, Legnica, Wrocław. This included the establishing of taxonomic growth measures based on a set of features characteristic ozf the selected cities with regard to the standard of living of their inhabitants (including residential conditions, status of the natural environment, labour market determinants, the safety of the residents). Temporal and spatial data sets have been collected for the purpose of research. The study is important for the determining of the distance between the studied cities with regard to the selected aspect of social development and also allows to distinguish cities with a similar standard of living. It will allow to determine whether the utilised pro-developmental instruments have made it possible for Wałbrzych to limit this distance.
the standard of living of a city population, taxonomic method of the development patternReferences
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