Relations between quality of living and subjective quality of life of town residents in łódź voivodship
Monika Mularska-Kucharek
It has become increasingly more common to view high quality of life as the main objective of development on various levels of management, from the regional to the international one, and measuring quality of life has been turning into an essential element of management and marketing strategy of local government units. Local policy-makers attempt to find out as much as they can about their residents’ expectations so they can meet them adequately. The extent to which these expectations are met, and thus the improvement of quality of life of the community is of great significance in the context of the inflow and outflow of human capital. This article aims to discuss the relationship between the quality of living and subjective quality of life of town residents in the Lodz province. Investigating the relationship between the analyzed social phenomena and an indication of the role of the quality of living in shaping the quality of life is both cognitively inspiring and worth special attention. It allows us to identify factors that may be relevant in the context of improving the quality of life of individuals and communities. The results may be of great use to all those who undertake actions aimed to improve the quality of human life
subjective quality of life, quality of residence, townReferences
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Monika Mularska-KucharekStatistics
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