Pastoral guidance for cohabiting couples – suggestions for the current Polish context

Agnieszka Anna Ukleja

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven


Premarital cohabitation in Poland, although still not as widespread and common as in many western countries, is becoming an attractive form of being in an intimate relationship for a growing number of young adults. This state of things – in spite of the recent, more welcoming attitude towards cohabiting couples introduced by Francis – is not fully recognised by the Polish Episcopate. The Church in Poland had to wait over two years to receive a general guideline for the application of Amoris Laetitia. Also, until now the Polish bishops have not been able to propose any systematic marriage preparation program (MP) or working document – which would offer principles on how to deal pastorally with cohabiting couples. In this article I specifically concentrate on the newest empirical research regarding the quality of cohabiting unions (prior to and after they transit to marriages) as well as on the new orientation towards those living in ‘irregular’ situations introduced by Francis. Based on these two perspectives, I make several suggestions on how to deal with the Polish cohabiting couples in the context of marriage preparation in a pastorally sensitive and at the same time effective and realistic manner.


cohabitation Poland pastoral guidance marriage preparation Pope Francis

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Cited by

Ukleja, A. A. (2019). Pastoral guidance for cohabiting couples – suggestions for the current Polish context. Family Forum, 8, 173–196.


Agnieszka Anna Ukleja 

Born and raised in Poland. She received her BA in Family Studies at Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, Warsaw (2006) and MA (2007) and Advanced MA (2008) at KU Leuven in Belgium. In 2013 she worked as a personal assistant of a Polish MP and in 2014 as a press officer at the European Parliament. She has recently (October 2017) received a PhD in Theology at KU Leuven. Her doctoral project explored the possible connectedness between the social phenomenon of premarital cohabitation in Poland, theology and pastoral practice. Currently she works as a teacher of Catholic Religion.

