Determinants of parents’ professional aspirations towards children with disabilities
dr hab. Monika Parchomiuk, prof. UMSC
Instytut Pedagogiki, Wydział Pedagogiki i Psychologii UMCS w Lublinieprof. dr hab. Janusz Marian Kirenko
Instytut Pedagogiki, Wydział Pedagogiki i Psychologii UMCS w Lublinie
The article presents the results of the research aimed to determine the relationship between parents’ professional aspirations towards their children with disabilities and selected psychosocial resources (self-image, social support and ways of coping with stress). The instruments included: Parental Aspirations Questionnaire, The Tennessee Self Concept Scale, The Social Support Questionnaire, and Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations. The analysed material was obtained from 494 mothers and fathers bringing up children with physical, sensory and intellectual disabilities. Regression analyses and path analyses were used to determine the influence of selected resources on the formation of parents’ professional aspirations towards child. The constructive role of adaptive competences, such as positive properties of self-image, as well as the negative role of maladaptive competences i.e. poor integration have been confirmed. The positive contribution of social support has not been confirmed.
aspirations, parents of children with disabilities, social support, self-image, copingReferences
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dr hab. Monika Parchomiuk, prof. UMSCPhD Monika Parchomiuk, Associate Professor, Institute of Pedagogy, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin
ORCDI 0000-0002-0756-4242
Selected publications:
Ćwirynkało, K. & Parchomiuk, M. (2024). A focus on fathers with intellectual disabilities and child protection. Family Relations, 71(1), 247-261.
Ćwirynkało, K. & Parchomiuk, M. (2023). Support as described by fathers with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 36(2), 320-332.
Żyta, A., Parchomiuk, M. & Ćwirynkało, K. (2023). Inclusive research as a way of empowering people with intellectual disabilities. reflections of the training participants. International Journal of Special Education, 38(3), 16-27.
Ćwirynkało, K., Parchomiuk, M. & Fronek, P. (2023). Fathers with intellectual disabilities raising children with disabilities in Poland: An interpretive phenomenological analysis. Child & Family Social Work, Online version of record before inclusion in an issue, 1-11.
Parchomiuk, M. (2021). Old age in adults with ASD: psychosocial aspects—a systematic review. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 8, 498-512.
Parchomiuk, M. (2019). Ageing, old age and dying of people with intellectual disabilities. Kraków.
prof. dr hab. Janusz Marian Kirenko
Professor Janusz Kirenko, Institute of Pedagogy, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin
ORCID 0000-0002-6525-4007
Selected publications:
Kirenko, J. (1998). Psychosocial determinants of sexual functioning in persons with spinal cord injury. Maria Curie-Skłodowska University Press, Lublin, p. 264.
Kirenko, J. (2002). Social support for people with disabilities. Publishing House of the Higher School of Pedagogical and Management Skills in Ryki, Ryki, p. 360.
Kirenko, Y. (2006). Faces of disability. Wincenty Pol University of Social and Natural Sciences Publishing House, Lublin, p. 152.
Kirenko, J. (2007). Individual and Social Perception of Disability. Maria Curie-Skłodowska University Press, Lublin, p. 322.
Kirenko, J. (2015). John Paul II in the face of suffering and disability. In K. Pilarczyk (ed.), De revolutionibus orbium popularum Ioannis Pauli II. The Pope against Social Exclusion. Sejm Publishing House, Warsaw, pp. 445-470, ISBN: 978-83-7666-406-4.
Kirenko, J. (2022), Parental aspirations towards children with disabilities. Structure and determinants. Maria Curie-Skłodowska University Press, Lublin, p. 696.
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