Maternal emotions during child’s transition to the preschool

mgr Agata Ruźniak-Lubocka

University of Gdansk, Institute of Psychology

Maria Kaźmierczak

University of Gdansk, Institute of Psychology


A child's transition to preschool is an important stage in family life. This is the time when the child becomes a member of a larger community than the family. The aim of the study was to analyze what emotions mothers feel about their child going to preschool. One thousand and forty mothers of at least one child in preschool age (between 2 to 4,5 years old participated in the study. The surveyed women completed a questionnaire on the intensity of emotions related to the transition of a child to pre-kindergarten. The results indicate that the lack of prior experience with daycare is associated with greater anxiety, sadness and regret felt by mothers. Thus, the process of adaptation before the child enters pre-kindergarten should involve parents.


preschool, childcare, motherhood, emotions

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Cited by

Ruźniak-Lubocka, A., & Kaźmierczak, M. (2024). Maternal emotions during child’s transition to the preschool. Family Forum, 14, 289–299.


mgr Agata Ruźniak-Lubocka 


Maria Kaźmierczak 



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