Educational support for fathers caring for the quality of their relationship with their child after divorce
Anna Dudak
Instytut Pedagogiki, Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w LublinieAbstract
Background. Educational support for fathers who strive to improve their parenting competences, to improve their caring skills, to increase their knowledge of the child's needs at different stages of development, but also for those fathers who have been deprived of regular contact with their child as a result of divorce, is an important factor in determining the quality of the relationship with the child after divorce.
Goals. The aim of the research was to explore the educational experiences of fathers concerned with the quality of their relationship with their child after divorce. The research problems focused on the forms of educational support they undertook and men's expectations of the types of support dedicated to fathers seeking to maintain a good relationship with their child after divorce.
Methodology. The research was situated in a qualitative orientation using a narrative interview which was conducted among ten fathers who are divorced and seek to maintain or improve their relationship with their child.
Results. The main forms of educational support used by the surveyed fathers are online portals, legal and psychological counselling and workshops and training. The surveyed fathers expect the popularisation of involved fatherhood and the expansion of the educational offer for post-divorce fathers especially in the field of family law.
Conclusions. Awareness of the importance of educational support for fathers wishing to maintain a good relationship with their child after divorce points to the need to extend this kind of support to men who are seeking solutions to improve their quality of functioning in a situation of loss of contact with their child.
educational support, fathers, relationship with the child, divorceReferences
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