Selected family determinants of the narcissistic style of behavior


dr Danuta Bogumiła Ochojska

Institute of Psychology, College of Social Sciences, University of Rzeszów

dr Jacek Andrzej Pasternak

Institute of Psychology, College of Social Sciences, University of Rzeszów


Background. Although the narcissistic personality disorder is well-known in psychological literature, the issue of psychosocial determinants of the narcissistic behavioral style is still prone to do the research. So is in case of the study of the specific character of parental attitudes and traumatic experiences in the subjects’ childhood and adolescence.
Objectives. The aim of the study was an analysis of the situation in the families of respondents with dominant characteristics of narcissistic personality, with a particular emphasis on the retrospective assessment of parental attitudes.
Methodology. The group of 78 students with narcissistic behavioral style were selected for the study. The control group consisted of individuals who did not display this type of behavior. The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Personality Disorder Research SCID II (M.B. First, M. Gibbon, R. L. Spitzer., J.B.W. Williams, L. S. Benjamin, 2014), referring to narcissistic behaviors, was used along with a questionnaire of the authors’ own design which contained demographic details as well as information on the situation in the subject’s family of origin and traumatic experiences, if any, and The Questionnaire for Retrospective Parental Attitudes (KPR-Rocdeveloped by Mieczyslaw Plopa (2008).
Results. The research demonstrated that parental attitudes, particularly of mothers who were found to be excessively demanding and inconsistent in interactions with their children, were of special relevance for the formation of the narcissistic personality style, whereas when it comes to  fathers, it was primarily a lack of consistent behavior that was significant. It was also observed that the families of origin of individuals with this personality type often used violence and physical punishment, and often struggled with parents’ addictions.  
Conclusions. The research confirmed the significant influence of family interactions on the formation of narcissistic personality traits. 


narcissistic style of behavior, narcissistic personality disorder, dverse childhood experiences, parental attitudes

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Cited by

Ochojska, D., & Pasternak, J. (2024). Selected family determinants of the narcissistic style of behavior: N/A. Family Forum, 14, 131–150.


dr Danuta Bogumiła Ochojska 

Danuta Ochojska - doctor of humanities in the field of psychology. She graduated in psychology from the Catholic University of Lublin and deals with issues in the field of clinical psychology, family psychology and neuropsychology. The research conducted by the author concerns mainly  the functioning of family systems in difficult situations (pathological families, families with a disabled child, families with a chronically ill person). The analyzes also cover the issue of generational transmission of communication in the family, the system of values and educational influences, and the importance of QEEG in diagnosing mental disorders. She is the author of 80 articles, monograph “Multiple sclerosis and family” and book co-editor “Education, rehabilitation and therapy of people expecting support". She acts as the coordinator of a psychological counseling center “No stress” for students.


dr Jacek Andrzej Pasternak 

Jacek Pasternak - doctor of humanities in the field of psychology, clinical psychologist, psychotherapist in Ericksonian approach, certified in the Ego State Therapy (EST). He graduated in psychology from Catholic University of Lublin, studied psychotherapy in Polish Ericksonian Institite and Polish Institute of Brief Psychotherapy. The research conducted by the author refers to individual psychotherapy of adults, couple and family therapy, personality disorders in family background and psychotherapy of personality disorders, the factors facilitating the development of healthy personality, psychosocial functioning of parents and families with children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders and therapy of PTSD.



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