Theological and moral basis for the pastoral accompaniment of irregular unions in the light of statements of the Congregation/Dicasteria for the Doctrine of the Faith
ks. dr hab. Antoni Paweł Bartoszek
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicachks. dr Wojciech Surmiak
Uniwersytet Śląski w KatowicachAbstract
There is an ongoing discussion in the Catholic Church community concerning the shape of the pastoral care of people living in new marriages whose validly concluded sacramental marriage has broken down in the civil sense as a result of a court decision on divorce. This issue has been repeatedly addressed by the teachings of the Church, including the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith transformed into the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith in 2022.
This article aims to be a voice in this debate. Its objective is to answer the following questions: on what foundation should the pastoral care of people living in the marital situation indicated here be built and what specific shape should it take?
Achieving this goal became possible thanks to application of the method of theological sciences, through the analysis of sources specific to theology. Pastoral care itself is carried out in the Church, which has theological foundations. Among the multitude of sources, the documents of the Congregation/Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith directly or indirectly relating to the issues discussed in the article were selected as the main ones. These main sources were supplemented by other Church teaching documents and theological studies.
The research conducted led to the belief that the pastoral care of people living in irregular unions should be provided in love built on truth: in love open to every person, inclusive as far as the life of the Church community is concerned, in love built on truth, i.e. on a theologinomoral foundation that cannot be omitted. Every specific form of pastoral care for this type of people should meet these requirements.
marriage, irregular unions, pastoral accompaniment, discernment, truth, loveReferences
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ks. dr hab. Antoni Paweł BartoszekAntoni Bartoszek – priest of the Archdiocese of Katowice; since 2001 he works at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Silesia in Katowice; in 2012-2020 dean of the Faculty; author of almost 100 scientific publications, including books:
Człowiek w obliczu cierpienia i umierania. Moralne aspekty opieki paliatywnej, Katowice 2000;
Seksualność osób niepełnosprawnych. Studium teologicznomoralne, Katowice 2009; Apostolstwo Chorych. 100-letnie doświadczenie duchowe – podstawy teologiczne – perspektywy pastoralne, Katowice 2024;
A man facing suffering and dying. Moral aspects of palliative care, Katowice 2000;
Sexuality of people with disabilities. Theological and Moral Study, Katowice 2009;
The Apostolate of the Sick. 100 years of spiritual experience – theological foundations – pastoral perspectives, Katowice 2024;
Research areas: moral theology, theology of spirituality, family science. Moreover, since 2001 – chaplain of the Center for Disabled Persons Sacred Heart of Jesus in Ruda Śląska. Address for correspondence:
ks. dr Wojciech SurmiakWojciech Surmiak – priest (Archidiocese of Katowice), Ph. D. in theology. A member of research and teaching staff at the University of Silesia in Katowice. He specializes in moral theology. Since 2020 deputy dean for student affairs and education. Since 2024 a member of the Polish Accreditation Commission. Chairman of the Polish Section of the European Association of Catholic Theology. Chaplain of academic researchers in the Archdiocese of Katowice. He has published several articles, among others: Miłość a filantropia, Refleksja na kanwie encykliki Deus caritas est Benedykta XVI (2023); Życie duchowe Sługi Bożego Jacka Krawczyka (1966-1991) (2023); Miłość małżeńska w świetle Amoris laetitia papieża Franciszka (2022); Johna Henry’ego Newmana teoria edukacji katolickiej (2021); Teologia czułości papieża Franciszka i jej dwudziestowieczne filozoficzno-teologiczne antecedensy (2020); Zdrowie publiczne - przemyśleć bioetykę na nowo: od zasady autonomii do zasady odpowiedzialności (2020) oraz książkę (jako redaktor): Człowiek Bogu, człowiek człowiekowi, człowiek światu.
Księga pamiątkowa dedykowana śp. ks. prof. dr. hab. Alojzemu Drożdżowi (1950-2019) (2020) (Love and philanthropy, Reflection on Deus caritas est encyclical of Benedict XVI (2023);
The spiritual life of the Servant of God Jacek Krawczyk (1966-1991) (2023);
Marital love in the light of Amoris laetitia by Pope Francis (2022);
Theology of Pope Francis' tenderness and its twenty-century philosophical and theological antecedents (20 20);
Public Health - Rethinking Bioethics: From Principle of Autonomy to Principle of Responsibility (20 20)
and a book (as editor):
Address for correspondence:
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