Prepare for being old as long as there is still time
Günter Virt
em. prof. dr hab. teologii (moralnej); po habilitacji w Tybindze; profesury na Uniwersytetach w Paderborn, Salzburgu i WiedniuAbstract
The content of the paper concerns the reflection on the responsibility for aging from the individual-ethical point of view, as well as party from the socio-ethical one. In the empirical aspect, there will be presented the science currently particularly important for getting old, namely genetics. In terms of anthropology some values of aging will be considered for human dignity, freedom and historicity. Single ethical realizations concern generations contract, learning how to shape time especially social time a central task of a family, erotica and sexuality in old age, integration of their own life story and biblical interpretation of these tasks.
responsibility for aging individually and socio-ethically - the role of empirical science (eg. genetics) human dignity freedom historicity integration of their own life story biblical ways of interpretationReferences
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