Bioethical problems of medical intervention disturbing genetic and epigenetic determinants of human development
Alina T. Midro
Uniwersytet Medyczny w BiałymstokuHenryk F. Hoser SAC
Zespół Ekspertów KEP ds. BioetykiAbstract
Introduction to the practice of modern medical procedures disturbing genetic and epigenetic determinants of human development leading to genetic disorders and/or reduced survival as a result of congenital malformations raises a number of bioethical problems. Due to its genetic and biological basis of its functioning the human being is a human being from the conception. From the point of view of a clinical geneticist, procreation of a new human being is the creation of a new individual genome, that is database on the genetic information obtained from the parents through their reproductive cells and then starting the duplication and imprinting (labelling), and creating opportunities for its reading and modifying in the course of further development (gene expression and its regulation). In the article there are discussed problems arising from health risk, life and dignity of the child and their parents resulting from the use of in vitro fertilization methods.
bioethics, in vitro fertilization, genetic and epigenetic disordersReferences
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Strony internetowe
Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM), (15.12.2014).
DanishFertilitySociety:; (1.04.2014).
Alina T. MidroAuthors
Henryk F. Hoser SACStatistics
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