A brief anthropology of family
João Manuel Duque
Catholic Portuguese University BragaAbstract
This article intends to think the concrete reality of the family from the perspective of a philosophical anthropology, based on the biblical-Christian hermeneutic model. At the same time, starting from this particular anthropology, it suggests a general anthropology according to a family matrix. This anthropology is understood as relation of different persons, based on the model of donation. The concrete mode of its accomplishment occurs in family relations, like filiation, fraternity, conjugality and parenthood.
family, anthropology, gift, difference, relationReferences
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Duque, J. M. (2019). A brief anthropology of family. Family Forum, 4, 15–28. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.uni.opole.pl/index.php/ff/article/view/845
João Manuel DuqueStatistics
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