Coping with divorce and relational family therapy

Barbara Simonič

University of Ljubljana


Divorce or collapse of the partner relationship is among the more stressful and psychically challenging of experiences. No matter the circumstances, due to which we could understand divorce as a desired solution of irresolvable complications in relationships, it is a distressing experience that affects the life of an individual as well as that of the family as a system. Divorce does not have far-reaching consequences just for the partners, but also for the children and extended family, as well as society. After divorce, a new era begins, when it is necessary to re-adapt to life and during which hard feelings also emerge. Divorce represents loss: the loss of a partner, of social status, of identity as a married person, etc. During the process of facing divorce, successful emotional adaptation to the new situation, which may also be described facing loss, is of great significance. The process of mourning begins, during which it is necessary to face the reality of loss. When that does not happen, the individual cannot move on; this is the point at which dysfunctional and symptomatic behaviour emerges. This contribution will outline some of the aspects of divorce, focusing mainly on the emotional aspect of adapting to divorce, as well as some possibilities for successfully processing emotional complications during divorce through the process of relational family therapy.


divorce, mourning, emotional processing, relational family therapy, family, relationships

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Cited by

Simonič, B. (2019). Coping with divorce and relational family therapy. Family Forum, 4, 203–222. Retrieved from


Barbara Simonič 

