Communicative behaviour in a married life seen from a personal and a partner’s perspective

Zofia Pupin

Uniwersytet Opolski

Jacek Waldmajer

Uniwersytet Opolski


Interpersonal communication is a complex process which influences the ways individuals function, in particular in a marriage. According to M. Plopy, the communication processes in a marriage are influenced by the following dimensions: giving support to a spouse, the level of engagement in a process of communication and aggressive behaviour directed towards a spouse. The abovementioned issues are used to define the communicative behaviour in a marriage. Thanks to the Communication in Marriage Questionnaire by M. Kaźmierczak and M. Plopy the following was examined: is there a connection between the dimensions of communicative behaviours including: support, engagement and depreciation. Afterwards they examined: 1) are there any differences between women and men in the assessment of their own and partner’s communicative behaviours; 2) are there any differences between people with short or long married lives when it comes to exhibited communicative behaviour. The obtained results show that there exists a connection between the dimensions of communicative behaviours, including: support, engagement and depreciation. Moreover, the significant differences in the examined areas have been discovered when it comes to both personal and the partner’s perspective.


communicative behaviour, dimensions of communicative behaviour, communication in a marriage

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Cited by

Pupin, Z., & Waldmajer, J. (2019). Communicative behaviour in a married life seen from a personal and a partner’s perspective. Family Forum, 3, 187–200. Retrieved from


Zofia Pupin 


Jacek Waldmajer 

