The submitted article and required statements ought to be entered on the Academic Journals Platform of Opole University under the tag: Submit the article. We require doctoral students to additionally attach a positive opinion of the supervisor of their doctoral dissertation.
The manuscript submitted for publication should be prepared using the ready-made template.
- Title of the article in the Polish language,
- Title of the article in the English language,
- Name and surname of the contributing author,
- Name of the institution represented by the author (affiliation),
- e-mail contact address,
- Abstract: text of the abstract in English,
- Keywords: keyword in English, keyword in English, keyword in English,
- Abstract: text of the abstract in Polish,
- Keywords: keyword in Polish, keyword in Polish, keyword in Polish,
- Main text of the article divided into sections (see the template),
- List of abbreviations/acronyms,
- Bibliography (prepared in Chicago style).
- Length of the article - 0.8-1.5 author’s sheet, that is 32-60 thousand characters (with spaces between words),
- Font - 12 pt Times Roman,
- Line spacing – 1.5, indentation – 1.25 cm,
- Text aligned from the left margin to the right one (justified),
The article should be divided into smaller editorial units, best if separated with subtitles,
- The title and subtitles should be in bold,
- In the text, no bold or underlining should be used,
- Quotations should be given in quotation marks, not in italic,
- Foreign words should be given in italic, e.g. in fine,
- Acronyms/abbreviations appearing in the text for the first time should be explained,
- Along with the article, the following must be sent both in Polish and English: abstract (not more than 1,000 characters with spaces); keywords (3-5 words), note on the author (academic degree/title, affiliation, e-mail contact address, ORCID number),
- Reviews and reports must be accompanied by the title and keywords in English,
A gloss is treated as a scientific article.
The abstract should be of concise length (100 to 300 words) and have a specific structure:
- Aim, thesis of the article and research questions;
- Identify the main topic of the research;
- The relevance of the research in relation to legal science;
- Methodology i.e. indicate which methods were used (legal and historical, comparative, black - letter method, other);
- Results and conclusions - what was established, what is the impact of these results on the state of knowledge.
Features of an abstract:
- The abstract must provide the essence of the main text;
- References must not be cited in the abstract;
- The content of the abstract should reflect what is contained in the article;
- Apart from keywords, the abstract is the basis for indexing the journal in databases.
- Provide 3 to 6 keywords (words, phrases);
- Should reflect the subject of the paper;
- Should allow searching for articles in the reference databases.
A full Bibliography should be given in alphabetical order at the end of the manuscript; it should not be divided into any sections, such as References and Literature. If a publication has a DOI number, it should be given. Please use the following forms of bibliographic description:
Title and date of the Act, Name of the Journal of Laws, publication number and item.
Title of the Judgment in italics, Name of the court or other adjudicating body, date of the judgment, Reference number, and (if published) place of publication and number of page cited or referred to.
Name of the Archive, Ref. No., volume number, “Title of the archival document” (in double quotation marks).
Grazer, Brian, and Charles Fishman. 2015. A Curious Mind: The Secret to a Bigger Life. New York: Simon & Schuster.
Smith, Zadie. 2016. Swing Time. New York: Penguin Press.
In-text citations
(Grazer and Fishman 2015, 12)
(Smith 2016, 315–16)
In the reference list, include the page range for the chapter or part. In the text, cite specific pages.
Reference list entry
Thoreau, Henry David. 2016. “Walking.” In The Making of the American Essay, edited by John D’Agata, 167–95. Minneapolis: Graywolf Press.
In-text citation
(Thoreau 2016, 177–178)
Reference list entries (in alphabetical order)
Keng, Shao-Hsun, Chun-Hung Lin, and Peter F. Orazem. 2017. “Expanding College Access in Taiwan, 1978–2014: Effects on Graduate Quality and Income Inequality.” Journal of Human Capital 11, no. 1 (Spring): 1–34. https://doi.org/10.1086/690235.
LaSalle, Peter. 2017. “Conundrum: A Story about Reading.” New England Review 38 (1): 95–109. Project MUSE.
Satterfield, Susan. 2016. “Livy and the Pax Deum.” Classical Philology 111, no. 2 (April): 165–76.
In-text citations
(Keng, Lin, and Orazem 2017, 9–10)
(LaSalle 2017, 95)
(Satterfield 2016, 170)
For books consulted online, include a URL or the name of the database in the reference list entry. For other types of e-books, name the format. If no fixed page numbers are available, cite a section title or a chapter or other number in the text, if any (or simply omit).
Reference list entries (in alphabetical order)
Austen, Jane. 2007. Pride and Prejudice. New York: Penguin Classics. Kindle.
Borel, Brooke. 2016. The Chicago Guide to Fact-Checking. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ProQuest Ebrary.
Kurland, Philip B., and Ralph Lerner, eds. 1987. The Founders’ Constitution. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. http://press-pubs.uchicago.edu/founders/.
Melville, Herman. 1851. Moby-Dick; or, The Whale. New York: Harper & Brothers. http://mel.hofstra.edu/moby-dick-the-whale-proofs.html.
In-text citations
(Austen 2007, chap. 3)
(Borel 2016, 92)
(Kurland and Lerner 1987, chap. 10, doc. 19)
(Melville 1851, 627)
More about the Chicago style
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The journal Opole Studies in Administration and Law accepts for publication only works which have not been in circulation before.
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