The Opole Studies in Administration and Law" (OSAP) is a semi-annual journal published continuously since 2003 by the University of Opole, exclusively online in diamond open access since 2022. The journal publishes original research in Polish and English on theoretical issues in law, particularly related to the Sustainable Development Goals (
The journal also provides space for publishing review articles, case comments and conference reports. The journal is open to authors representing different methodological and disciplinary approaches to the study of law.

the Minister of Science of 5 January 2024 on the list of scientific journals
The Editorial Board of OSAP would like to kindly inform that with the announcement of the Minister of Science of 5 January 2024 on the list of scientific journals and peer-reviewed materials from international conferences, the journal has returned to the number of 40 points. We would like to thank the authors who have trusted us and published their texts in our journal - in accordance with the announcement of the Minister of Science, they retain their previous 140 points at the end of 2023.
Editors of OSAP cordially invite you to subscribe to the Newsletter of the journal ,,The Opole Studies in Administration and Law". Thanks to this, you will receive to your e-mail box information on the planned release of a new issue of the journal and information on already published issues.
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Indexing of the journal The Opole Studies in Administration and Law in the HeinOnline database
We are pleased to announce that starting in February 2023, the journal The Opole Studies in Administration and Law is indexed in HeinOnline, which was one of the objectives of the journal's development strategy under the "Development of Scientific Journals" program.
- POL-Index
- HeinOnline
- Index Copernicus
- DOAJ (The Directory of Open Access Journals)
- AmeliCA
- The Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals
- EBSCO Legal Source