About the Journal
The Opole Studies in Administration and Law (OSAP) is a semi-annual journal published both in print and, starting in 2022, exclusively online on the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform, functioning on an open access basis. The presented research papers articles and case comments are prepared in accordance with the binding principles of ethical publishing standards and best practices. They are subjected to the process of double-blind peer review. The Journal publishes also reviews and reports on important scientific events. It has been coming out continuously since 2003, and as a quarterly – since 2012, and from 2022 as a semi-annual.
Texts for publication are continuously accepted online through the OJS system. When accepted for publication, selected articles are published under Ahead. They are citable by their digital object identifier (DOI).
The Opole Studies in Administration and Law is indexed in the following databases:
- HeinOnline
- Index Copernicus,
- POL-Index,
- DOAJ (The Directory of Open Access Journals),
- AmeliCA
- The Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals
- JUFO Portaali
- EBSCO Legal Source.
The OSAP journal is published from the UO's and Ministry's funds.
The journal is co-financed by the Ministry of Education and Science within the programme "Rozwój czasopism naukowych" ["Development of Scientific Journals"] under contract no. RCN/SP/0248/2021/1. Project duration: 1 October 2022. - 30 September 2024. The amount of co-financing is 35,499.00 PLN. The programme aims to support the journal's editorial team in implementing the journal's development strategy, which includes internationalisation, improving the digitisation of the journal and upgrading the level of publishing and editorial practices.
Publication in the columns of the Journal is free of charge. Online access to articles on the OJS Platform of the Opole University Journals is open at: https://czasopisma.uni.opole.pl/index.php/osap
All printed issues of journal are preserved by the National Library of Poland.
According to the Act of 26 January 1984 Prawo prasowe (Press Law), the journal was registered by the District Court in Opole in the register of newspapers and journals under item 821.
MISSION:The mission of the Journal is publication of results of original research in the area of social sciences, in particular law as well as moderation of cooperation between the world of science, representatives of legal professions and civic society.
SCOPE: The scope of the journal includes research in the legal sciences. The scope of the journal also includes scientific research papers in the discipline of political and administration, if the presented research results are related to legal sciences. The research subjects should be in compliance with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
ADDRESSEES: The Journal is aimed both at academics and practitioners: lawyers, policymakers and public sector managers.
AIMS: The Opole Legal and Administrative Studies (OSAP) is published bi-annually by the Opole University Law School. OSAP provides an opportunity to publish original papers on theoretical aspects of law. The journal is open to authors representing a variety of methodological and disciplinary approaches to legal research. The journal aims to find mutual ground between the science of law and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.