Doctoral dissertation as a habilitation achievement

Łukasz Kierznowski

Uniwersytet w Białymstoku


Changes in the legal regulations on academic degrees of 2018 allowed for inclusion of scientific achievements prior to earning the doctoral degree among those leading towards obtaining the postdoctoral degree of habilitation. Against this background, an interpretative problem arose related to the admissibility of recognizing a candidate’s doctoral dissertation as an achievement that counts in the procedure of granting the degree. The aim of the article
is to determine whether a doctoral dissertation may constitute a habilitation achievement indicated in the application for the habilitation degree. The work uses the dogmatic and legal method and analyzes the scientific literature regarding the prerequisites and procedures for
awarding scientific degrees. As a result of the analyses, it was determined that the doctoral dissertation may constitute a habilitation achievement.

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Kierznowski, Łukasz. (2024). Doctoral dissertation as a habilitation achievement. The Opole Studies in Administration and Law, 22(2), 85–101.


Łukasz Kierznowski 




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