Non-imperative forms of administrative actions – in need of redefinition?
Bartłomiej Jaworski
Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Wydział Prawa, Administracji i EkonomiiAbstract
The social expectations regarding satisfaction of collective needs, while accounting for individual ones, change, and so do the functions of public administration. Due to the strong connection between public administration tasks and the legal forms of actions used for their implementation, the objective of science of administrative law is to constantly look for new concepts and tools that would enable a proper scientific description and a systematic approach to legal forms of administrative actions. At present, none of the divisions presented in the literature is exhaustive and none can be considered to be offering a full systematization of the legal forms of actions which currently exist in administrative law. One of the most frequently accepted classifications divides the forms of action into imperative and “non-imperative” ones; this classification provides certain antinomy and dśs not conform to the public administration which is legally complex and takes many forms. The existence of imperative administrative actions is unquestionable, but the current doctrinal understanding of “non-imperative” actions needs to be analyzed in more detail. Is the administration really fully imperative or fully “non-imperative”? If we use such an alternative, do we actually deprive ourselves of the possibility of creating a catalogue of legal forms, which reflects the multiformity of contemporary administration, perceives the full spectrum of public administration dominance and diversity of forms, and which assumes a decrease in (or even elimination) of this attribute? Bearing in mind the predilection for the above-mentioned dominance, are we not forced, here and now, to affirm the possibility of full bilateralism in administrative actions?
bilateralism in the exercise of public administration, exercise of public administration, implementation of public tasks, nonimperative public administration, non-imperative legal forms of administrative actionsReferences
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