The multiform character of the administration of the European Union

Barbara Kowalczyk

Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Wydział Prawa, Administracji i Ekonomii


The article deals with institutional and procedural differentiation of the EU administration. The initial model of the European administration as a non-executive one has changed over time due to a number of factors. It is indicated that the European administration has developed in several phases and each stage added a distinctive layer to the existing reality. It is not easy today to create a complete and plain picture of the administration in the EU, nor coordination and communication. Diversity and pluralism are considered to be valuable features of the EU governance. Pointing to trends of development, it seems that the EU will continue to focus mainly on processes and procedures that connect the various elements of this structure.


UE administration, pluralization, administrative process

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Cited by

Kowalczyk, B. (2019). The multiform character of the administration of the European Union. The Opole Studies in Administration and Law, 16(1 (3), 7–17.


Barbara Kowalczyk 



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