Water services – a new form of management of water economy
Maciej Kruś
Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Wydział Prawa i AdministracjiAbstract
The subject of the publication is a description of water services institutions. This is a new institution under the Water Law, which came into force on 1 January 2018. Its introduction was the result of the implementation of the Water Framework Directive into Polish law. According to the definition of the Act, water services consist in providing the possibility of using water in a wider range, e.g., water intake, or discharging wastewater above a certain amount. Water services are provided to all who have a need to use water to such an extent. They are universal. They are also paid for. The method of determining the amount of fees, fines and possible execution are regulated by law. The fees are paid to the State Water Holding – Polish Waters. This entity is to operate water management in Poland from 1 January 2018. Water services are an example of public services, the provision of which is one of the basic tasks of a modern state of Western civilization. They are also a new form of water management in Polish law.
water services, public services, operation of public administrationReferences
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