Cultural-anthropological mediation of consensual bodies

Magdalena Tabernacka

Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Wydział Prawa, Administracji i Ekonomii


Consensual bodies are links in which communication and coordination take place and which enable cooperation of individual structures of the state administrative apparatus. F rom the anthropological point of view, consensual bodies belong to the field of the phenomenon described by this science as mediation. They are a kind of intermediate between separate structures. This causes a number of conditions essential for their functioning in the public administration system.


public administration, structures of public administration, relationships in public administration

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Cited by

Tabernacka, M. (2019). Cultural-anthropological mediation of consensual bodies. The Opole Studies in Administration and Law, 16(1 (4), 107–115.


Magdalena Tabernacka 




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