The institution of cooperation in administration in the aspect of legal solutions concerning appraisal reports

Dorota Wilkowska-Kołakowska

Politechnika Warszawska, Wydział Administracji i Nauk Społecznych


Administrative decisions and other acts issued in the field of real estate management, e.g. in the case of expropriation of real estate or updating of fees for perpetual usufruct, require from the administrative authority that conducts the proceedings to assess the evidence prepared by expert property appraisers. The basic reason for cooperation in public administration is the necessity to provide substantial support in resolving cases requiring specialist knowledge or specific information. The aim of the article is to demonstrate that the legal regulation of the obligation to consult a professional body in the event of any doubts concerning substantive assessment of an appraisal report, will contribute to providing a more precise explanation  of actual facts and resolving the case, in accordance with the rule of law and taking into account public interest and legitimate interests of parties.


appraisal report, cooperation, administrative authority, administrative decision, real estate management

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Wilkowska-Kołakowska, D. (2019). The institution of cooperation in administration in the aspect of legal solutions concerning appraisal reports. The Opole Studies in Administration and Law, 16(1 (4), 181–194.


Dorota Wilkowska-Kołakowska 




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