Passing information about threats as an example of actual actions taken at the stage of reacting in crisis situations – legal aspects

Monika Zakrzewska

Politechnika Warszawska, Wydział Administracji i Nauk Społecznych


The paper refers to providing information about the dangers connected with crisis management. Crisis management is the activity of public administration authorities, which constitutes an element of managing the national security management system and essentially consists of: preventing crisis situations, preparing to take control over them by way of planned activities, responding in case of emergencies, removing their effects and reconstructing resources and critical infrastructure. In the first part, the stages of public administration authorities’ proceedings in crisis management are presented. This part also discusses the regulations incorporating the ways to devolve information in emergencies contained in crisis management plans. The second part of the work applies to the evolution of factual activities as legal forms of public administration activities with reference to operations consisting in informing society in case of emergencies occurring.


crisis management, state of emergency, public administration authorities, access to information

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Cited by

Zakrzewska, M. (2019). Passing information about threats as an example of actual actions taken at the stage of reacting in crisis situations – legal aspects. The Opole Studies in Administration and Law, 16(1 (4), 195–203.


Monika Zakrzewska 




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