The (revised) European Social Charter as the international standard protecting the rights resulting from the social security system in the period of economic and social transformations

Marcin Wujczyk

Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego


The article analyzes the rights in the area of social security resulting from the European Social Charter and the Revised European Social Charter. The study presents both standards resulting directly from the provisions of the above-mentioned treaties as well as requirements interpreted by the European Committee of Social Rights. Particular attention was paid to the guarantees of the social security system and protection of entitled persons in the event of the necessity to limit the level of granted benefits, especially in the event of an economic crisis.


social security, European Social Charter, international standards

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Wujczyk, M. (2019). The (revised) European Social Charter as the international standard protecting the rights resulting from the social security system in the period of economic and social transformations. The Opole Studies in Administration and Law, 16(3), 35–47.


Marcin Wujczyk 




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